On 10/10/2009, at 11:15 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

I'm trying to convince a friend of mine to stay with Apple's Mail as a mail client, however there are two problems with Mail in his eyes.

One is bullet points which don't seem to appear as bullet points at the recipient end (I've experienced that as well).

The other is the absence of a ruler when composing messages, which, as an ex Windows user, he got used to in Outlook.

Does anyone know of any plugins which enhance Mail in this regard? Or is there an alternative mail application which brings both of these features more in line with Outlook on Windows. There's Entourage of course, and he does have Entourage installed and will have a look at it, but I'd like to let him know of any other options.

Cheers, Steven

These requests always make me sigh. HTML email is probably one of the greatest crimes that Microsoft has perpetrated against the world of computing. As others in this thread have pointed out, the only ones who are guaranteed to see the email in the format in which is was originally written is the Sender! There is absolutely no way to control what email client the recipient is using. For example, one client of mine insisted on continuing to use Pine in a Telnet session to his mail server (Pine is a purely text-based email client, and is totally incapable of interpreting formatted email of any sort). Consequently, over 50% of the email he received was incomprehensible to him.

As has been pointed out on this list countless times, the email format is pure text. That's all. This is the reason why pictures, sounds, movies, etc, have to be sent as attachments. They cannot be embedded into the message. Any embellishments such as HTML rely on the email recipient being able to handle them. Windows users have been duped into believing that HTML email is the norm. Unfortunately, the world of internet standards disagrees with them, but still companies such as Microsoft and Intellimail (gasp!) blunder on. One of the reasons that many Windows users get confused with this is that MS Outlook is usually set up to use Word as its default editor! No wonder confusion reigns supreme!

Not even Apple is guiltless in this area. Windows switchers coming to Mail are often completely confused by having attachments such as PDFs and JPGs appearing to open within the body of the email. This is a trick by Apple (useful though it may be) to allow the recipient to view the contents of certain attachments without having to download them first. Nevertheless, they remain attachments. The addition of HTML templates in Leopard also hasn't really helped either. Just Apple saying If You Can't Beat 'em, Join 'em.

If your friend really has to have rulers and bullet lists, point him in the direction of Thunderbird or Seamonkey, which do have this stuff built in.

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Mob 0403 064 948
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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