Hi Peter,

Generally whenever I want to create a document accessible to both
Windows/Mac users (without tying them into having proprietary paid software)
I just create the document in whatever software suits ME for the particular
task and then just print it as a pdf (which is so easy in OSX).

Everyone is used to downloading and reading pdfs which seem to be the
de-facto default standard for downloadable documents and manuals.

Just a thought.


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 27/1/10 9:18 AM, Peter Bull at pb...@bbnet.com.au wrote:

> Apple to the rescue....again!!
> Thanks Ray, Rob and Tim for your input.
> I forgot to mention that all of the formatting was removed as well -
> everything was changed to Times Roman 12 point. I also omitted that
> the Word file was saved on a USB thumb drive.
> But, last night I thought I would try Pages. It opened the Word file
> complete with tables and formatting and I saved it as a  .doc Word
> document and everything is back the way it was.
> I would not normally use Word for such a big document, having bought a
> copy of Adobe InDesign, but this document is a set of notes for TAFE
> and other lecturers need access to it and TAFE is PC only using Word
> 2007 , which is one of the worst pieces of software ever inflicted on
> the human race.
> Thanks again... I can get back to work now.
> On 26/01/2010, at 9:23 PM, Peter Bull wrote:
>> I have just opened a book I have been revising in Word. A message
>> came up saying there was some corruption but it managed to open it.
>> However, the 135 pages has blown out to 465 because Word has lost
>> all the tables so the info in the tables has been put one line under
>> another and double spaced.
>> Is there some way I could go revert to the last saved version? If
>> so, it would save me a huge amount of work of course.  And no, I
>> don't have a backup copy.
>> iMac, OS 10.5.8. Word X for Mac.
>> Peter Bull
>> pb...@bbnet.com.au

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