
I had the same problem with battery consumption on both my Apple mice. The Apple/Bluetooth mouse seemed to use batteries much more quickly (a few weeks admittedly) than the old Microsoft/Infrared one (that lasted months).

After exploring all the possibilities, as a simple solution I bought a couple of extra Varta rechargeable batteries that I can recharge in a few hours, usually overnight, or swap when urgent.



Warwick L Smith
B Com (Hons) MBA (UWA)
M: 0419 967 628
PO Box 411 Melville WA 6156

On 11/02/2010, at 8:43 AM, Crisp, Peter wrote:

Hi all, my Magic Mouse has been quite uncooperative since I got it a month ago (at the same time as I got a Macbook and Time Capsule – my first foray into the Apple world). I took it back to the supplier and he agreed it was faulty and replaced it with another one. The replacement one it seems is no better and my guess is the first one was probably ok and that something else is going on. It seems that it is very battery hungry and perhaps there is supposed to be a routine which puts the mouse to sleep when not in use hence preserving battery life. I have done all Software updates and even downloaded a specific update for eth Magic Mouse form the Apple site. I have MagicPrefs installed too and maybe that is responsible but I suspect not. Ronni indicated a while back there is a Mac OSX 10.6.3 coming soon and maybe I have to just wait till then, but I need a pair of AA batteries every 4 days currently – SuperDuty ones too! This seems to be the only way to wake up the sleepy mouse.

In the interim while I wait for 10.6.3, does anyone have any experiences like this or can you point me to some other updates for this?

Kind Regards,

Peter Crisp, Associate, BE Mech
(Phone + 61 8 9428 5437
2Fax + 61 8 9428 5555
ÈMob 0402 001 019
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