Hi Peter,

I haven¹t had a problem with the Magic mouse, but the wireless keyboard
stopped working quite quickly with my new iMac ­ I didn¹t originally suspect
the batteries as I had had so little use ­ however it finally occurred to me
to try new batteries ­ I threw in some re-chargeables and that solved the

A current check in system preferences shows my battery levels as 43% for the
keyboard and still 62% for the mouse (which still has the Apple supplied

For the record, I do not switch the mouse off at the base (unless I¹m going
to be away for a day or two) and I do have bluetooth set to allow to wake
from sleep (I like to be able to just wake up the mac from the

One thing to check, you said
> The Macbook screen certainly goes into Sleep mode and is it therefore implied
> that the mouse goes to sleep at the same time?

The energy saver preference pane allows you to set separate schedules for
sleeping the computer and display (also for a laptop you set the schedules
separately for battery operation vs powered operation) so it is possible to
have the display sleeping but the computer staying awake (if you were to
choose to set it this way) - so it may be worth just checking what your
sleep settings are.

Also with the AA batteries you use, different battery type can have
different voltages ­ make sure you are using ones that say 1.5v (some types
are only 1.2v) - although that should show up as a low battery %age.

Sorry I can¹t be of more help ­ I am overjoyed with the new magic mouse
after the appalling scroll ball on the previous mighty mouse -it constantly
needed ³cleaning² and I had two failures - one in and one out of warranty.


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 11/2/10 9:31 AM, Crisp, Peter at pcr...@hatch.com.au wrote:

> I don¹t ever turn off the switch underneath the mouse and maybe I could as a
> control experiment but I don¹t think that is a long term solution. Roger, do
> you ever turn off your mouse? How can I ascertain if the Œsleep¹ function is
> working for the mouse? The Macbook screen certainly goes into Sleep mode and
> is it therefore implied that the mouse goes to sleep at the same time?
> My old Logitech wireless mouse which I use with the old faithful PC, just
> works every time and so I am lulled into not having to turn off a mouse when
> its not in use.
> Kind Regards,
> Peter Crisp, Associate, BE Mech
> (Phone + 61 8 9428 5437
> 2Fax + 61 8 9428 5555
> ÈMob 0402 001 019
> ?E-mail pcr...@hatch.com.au
> Website <http://www.hatch.com.au/>
> From: wamug-ow...@wamug.org.au [mailto:wamug-ow...@wamug.org.au] On Behalf Of
> Ronda Brown
> Sent: Thursday, 11 February 2010 9:11 AM
> To: WAMUG Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Magic Mouse battery appetite
> On 11/02/2010, at 8:43 AM, Crisp, Peter wrote:
> Hi all, my Magic Mouse has been quite uncooperative since I got it a month ago
> (at the same time as I got a Macbook and Time Capsule ­ my first foray into
> the Apple world). I took it back to the supplier and he agreed it was faulty
> and replaced it with another one. The replacement one it seems is no better
> and my guess is the first one was probably ok and that something else is going
> on. It seems that it is very battery hungry and perhaps there is supposed to
> be a routine which puts the mouse to sleep when not in use hence preserving
> battery life. I have done all Software updates and even downloaded a specific
> update for eth Magic Mouse form the Apple site. I have MagicPrefs installed
> too and maybe that is responsible but I suspect not. Ronni indicated a while
> back there is a Mac OSX 10.6.3 coming soon and maybe I have to just wait till
> then, but I need a pair of AA batteries every 4 days currently ­ SuperDuty
> ones too! This seems to be the only way to wake up the sleepy mouse.
> In the interim while I wait for 10.6.3, does anyone have any experiences like
> this or can you point me to some other updates for this?
> Hi Peter,
> The mouse should go to sleep fairly quickly I believe and is certainly
> sleeping when the computer is sleeping given the few minutes it might take
> independently to fall asleep.
> Of course if this isn't functioning properly that might cause the battery to
> drain as it looks for activity when there's no need.
> Do you turn off MagicMouse from the little switch at the bottom, or do you
> turn it off with the computer at night or when you are not going to be using
> it for awhile?
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> 17" MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo
> 2.4 GHz / 4GB / 800MHz / 500GB
> OS X 10.6.2 Snow Leopard
> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

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