Thanks for the comments, Neil. Sounds as if you are satisfactorily escaping the heat. Down here it is a pleasant 21C, similar to yesterday, and we even had a little rain just to remind us that we were on the South Coast! As far as the DVD format goes I want to finish up with 16:9 .dv but it always finishes up as 4:3 .dv whatever the origin. My easiest option is to rip the DVD with MpegStreamclip, saving as 16:9 .dv. I am sure there must be something in the DVD saved from my recorder which tells the aspect ratio but nothing in the computer recognises it. Viewing directly on the TV is no problem, there is an aspect ratio control button.
Best wishes to you and please give my regards to the cute cuttlefish!

On 26/12/2010, at 3:00 PM, Neil Houghton wrote:

Hi Severin,

We’re up in Perth for Christmas, so I’m hiding from the heat at the moment – though it was very nice snorkelling off Cottesloe this morning – lots of fish, an Octopus lurking in a hole waiting for something good to come within reach, a shoal of 13 baby cuttlefish (very cute) and a small ray who proceeded to excavate himself into the sand when he saw me.

With regard to your problem – I don’t do a lot with DVD player but a few thoughts come to mind:

If you are happy with the video as recorded and just want to try & persuade DVD player to display it at 16:9 – have you tried playing with the DVD player preferences – eg checking/unchecking “Always use disc settings for Video Zoom” or for “Default Video Size” changing between “Actual video size” and “Disc default”.

With regard to changing the actual video format, I have just started using Handbrake – I found it handled some of my downloaded video better than WinX HD Video Converter for Mac (which I used previously) - it is free download open source software and besides a bunch of default settings you can start with a default & then change things to suit you – as a conversion it does take some time but, for the stuff I have been doing, I have found it to be pretty quick. You can also queue up a bunch of conversions and then just start the queue when you are finished at the computer and just leave it to work through the queue.



Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063

on 26/12/10 2:08 PM, Severin Crisp at wrote:

I save material recorded off air to DVD for subsequently culling still images. The input is from a Strong settop box feeding into and LG hard disk recorder and thence to the TV. Clips saved in recorder are subsequently copied off to DVD and edited in a G5 running 10.5.8. Because of the TV, the settop box outputs in 576i format with the TV set to 16:9. When the DVD is opened by DVD Player it is always in 4:3 format, not 16:9. I can get to 16:9 digital video with MPegStreamclip or other paths all requiring a time hungry explicit conversion. I can find no way to make the settop box/recorder combination output a DVD in 16:9/ I realise that the 576i format encompasses both aspect ratios with different pixel shapes but the DVD is not tagged with that information it seems.
Has anyone any opinion to offer.
Severin Crisp
Happy Boxing Day to all who survived Christmas


                 Assoc Professor R Severin Crisp, FIP, CPhys, FAIP

      15 Thomas St, Mount Clarence, Albany, 6330, Western Australia.

                   Phone  (08) 9842 1950   (Int'l +61 8 9842 1950)


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                   Assoc Professor R Severin Crisp, FIP, CPhys, FAIP
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