just my 2c
why not an optical link / sp/dif connection mac to stereo
some macs have optical out hidden in the headphone socket eg powerbook/ macbook

On 13/01/2011, at 13:53, Dark1 wrote:

Thanks for the advice guys. The main thing I don't like about my current setup is that I sometimes (depending on what the cpu is doing) get an annoying scratching sound coming through the speakers. It's not terribly prominent and is usually covered up by music or sound in video except where the soundtrack is at a quiet point and it can also be reduced by turning the volume down on my amplifier and the computer volume right up to compensate. Basically I'm just after a device that won't give lower quality sound to what I currently get and will also get rid of the scratching sound, allowing me to control my volume completely through the Apple Volume Control.

I'm running intel 10.6.5 at the moment but my hardware is probably not what you'd expect. I do have USB2. firewire 400 and pci slots available.


Hi Ruben,

If your current set-up (output jack to amp to speakers) is working OK - then perhaps telling us what you DON'T like about this setup (ie what you are hoping to improve) may help people make suitable suggestions/ comments.


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 13/1/11 7:07 AM, Ray Forma at r...@smartchat.net.au wrote:


difficult to give any advice because you don't give any information about your Mac (PowerPC/Intel) or your OS or the programs that generate the music.

On 13/01/2011, at 3:41 AM, Dark1 wrote:

Hi Everyone.

I've been considering getting a sound output (either card or USB) for my computer since my built in one can have an annoying scratchy sound when cpu is being used. I'm currently using a 3.5mm output jack to a fairly decent quality old amplifier connected to good quality but again old speakers. My main audio use is listening to music and although I'm not an audiophile I'm definitely a fair bit more picky than the average user. At the moment my current consideration is the ADS Tech Instant Music for Mac since I can be sure it will work on Mac OS and it's reasonably priced. Like many other products it has inputs to allow for recording from vinyl or other sources but
I'm only really interested in the output.

Does anyone have any experience with this USB device or perhaps other possible devices I might be interested in or maybe just some advice for me?


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Ray Forma
Tel +61 (0)8 9335 6568
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skype: barleeway
over 40 years in electronics

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