Hello Ronni

Many thanks for your suggestions.

My Mail account change from POP3 to IMAP and also an upgrade from iPhoto 9 to 
iPhoto 11 (on my iMac) was done by Daniel Kerr just prior to my travels about a 
month ago - so I am sure it was correctly done.
(My husband has just switched from PC to iMac and I wanted our software 
versions to be the same - hence the upgrade/installation - all done by Daniel).
My iPad account (IMAP) was set up at the Perth Apple Store.

I can send emails with photo attachments if I attach using the Photo Browser in 
Mail and they appear in my Sent list in Mail.
When checking with recipients of mail with photo attachments sent directly from 
iPhoto 11(a phone call to each) it appears that they are arriving - but I can't 
find them listed in Sent Mail/Messages - either on Mail or on Webmail.
Emails on my iPad sent from Photos with 1 attachment indicated service was 
denied by Optus - but the emails were received 10 days later!

One of the other problems is that in the Trash, (Webmail and Mail) individual 
lines of email text are being listed as separate emails - hence overload for my 
account with Optus and emails are either blocked, or held for some days before 
being sent. Further discussions with Optus seems to suggest that I should 
revert back to a POP3 account - both on my iMac and iPad.

I think this would be the easiest solution so will contact Dr Daniel to do the 
"surgery'. It has all become too much for me!
I am off overseas again in a few weeks time so would like this sorted ASAP.

My thanks for your time. It is appreciated.

PS: I have just read some Forum feedback on iPhoto 11 and many people seem to 
be having problems with email! Hopefully Apple will correct that soon - or 
maybe we could all revert to iPhoto 09 that worked so well!.

Marlene Oostryck

On 17/03/2011, at 2:11 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

> Hi Marlene,
> If your Mail Account is setup correctly. Are you only having problems sending 
> mail with attachments?
> If so, try the following.
> Quit Mail first and using the Finder, go to Home > Library > Mail > Mailboxes 
> > Outbox.mbox. 
> The Outbox.mbox is shared by all accounts. 
> Drag the Outbox.mbox to the Trash and empty the Trash.
> When re-launching Mail, a new Outbox.mbox will be created automatically by 
> Mail within the Mailboxes folder.
> Test if this resolves the problem. 
> If this is not the issue please post back.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> 17" MacBook Pro  Intel Core i7
> 2.66GHz / 8GB / 1067 MHz DDR3 / 500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 7200rpm
> OS X 10.6.6 Snow Leopard
> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
> On 17/03/2011, at 1:45 PM, Marlene Oostryck wrote:
>> Hi All
>> Still having problems with my emails (Mac Mail from my iMac) - very strange 
>> behaviour. It all seems to have started with the change from a POP3 to an 
>> IMAP account a month ago. Now...
>> - Can't send emails with photos attached (small size) 
>> - Huge activity shown in my Mail Activity box but nothing appears in my 
>> In-Box - but still receiving emails listed on my webmail
>> - In webmail - emails placed in folders and deleted messages are appearing 
>> as individual emails for each line of text
>> - Other weird behaviour
>> In talking to Optus tech help - it is recommended that I switch my account 
>> back to POP3 (My iPad is IMAP)
>> I don't really understand the difference between the 2 types of accounts - 
>> but any comments/suggestions would be welcome.
>> Maybe it is an Optus thing - or it is time to call in Dr Daniel!
>> Regards
>> Marlene Oostryck
>> On 14/03/2011, at 8:12 PM, Marlene Oostryck wrote:
>>> Hello All
>>> I have just returned from a month's cruising and 5 days in China - with 
>>> mixed results using my brand new iPad. (5 countries,11 ports so no sim 
>>> card).
>>> Downloading photos/videos from 2 new cameras ( a Canon Powershot G12 and a 
>>> Nikon D7000) at the end of each day was great and enabled adjustments to be 
>>> made to camera settings the next day.
>>> Whiling away long hours at airports was a breeze with games and books 
>>> loaded before I left.
>>> Emails were not so successful.
>>> All during the voyage the ship "Diamond Princess" had great problems with 
>>> internet connections and it was quite common for 1 email to take up to 100 
>>> minutes to send - and then sometimes fail. 
>>> At $3.95 to log on and then 75 cents per minute - I decided not to help the 
>>> US economy! 
>>> Another problem - I unsubscribed from WAMUG the day before I left to cut 
>>> back on the number of emails received - but did not find out for 3 weeks 
>>> that there was a verification email after I left - so huge numbers of 
>>> emails continued to arrive. When in port I was never able to access 
>>> internet cafes until my last few days and a visit to the Apple Store in 
>>> Beijing - along with half the youth population there. 
>>> Another complication. On advice from my One-to-One trainer at the Apple 
>>> Store here in Perth I had changed my email accounts on my iMac (thanks 
>>> Daniel K) and my iPad from a POP to IMAP account. Optus did not like this 
>>> so blocked a lot of my = emails when they reached a certain number. The 
>>> email I tried to send from the Beijing Store on 4 Mar came with the 
>>> message, "Service not available" but was delivered on the 12 March!
>>> Optus treated my attempts at SMS the same way - on a pre-paid mobile - some 
>>> were successful, most failed.
>>> I'm off on another cruise in Europe in May/June so hope I can resolve these 
>>> communication issues.
>>> Regards
>>> Marlene Oostryck
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