Hi David, Hi Ronni,

I think what David is looking for (correct me if I'm wrong) is redundancy
for his Time Machine backup.

With drives so cheap nowadays, It is certainly something I have wondered

Like many others, I already have the dual approach of:
* a SuperDuper bootable clone - primarily in case of hard drive failure ­
gets me back up and running ASAP
* Time machine - in case of file problems, eg file corruption (already saved
me here) mistaken deletion, etc

But given the particular advantages of TM in certain situations (which the
clone does not cover), it would be nice to have redundancy for the TM ­
ideally a simple set-up that just effectively does the TM backup to two
disks simultaneously.

I would imagine one could always use a mirrored RAID drive ­ but this
introduces its own risks.

It would just be nice to have some way to either have:
1. Time machine write it¹s backup identically and simultaneously to two
attached drives (my ideal solution but I can think of no way to do it!) OR
2. Have an automated set-up to keep a second drive synchronised with the
main TM drive.

The purpose, of course, is to still have a fully functioning TM backup even
if your TM drive fails.

As you point out, the problem with your archiving solution is that you copy
the entire drive contents ­ a huge time-consuming task on a multi-GB drive ­
whereas the beauty of the TM backup is it only copies the CHANGES ­
typically a quick write of many small files.

I wonder how a SuperDuper smartupdate would work ­ this is supposed to only
copy the files which have changed since the last update.
I don¹t really know enough about how time machine works at that level to
know if it would just recognise the clone without problem (if the primary TM
drive had failed).

If the solution DID work OK, I think you would need to be very careful with
timing ­ you would not want to be trying to do a smartupdate from your TM
drive at the same time as a TM backup was happening.

Anyway, David, if I misunderstood your post ­ apologies for hijacking the
thread ;o)

Ronni, given your knowledge of the intricacies of TM, I would love to hear
your thoughts.


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 13/5/11 11:28 AM, Ronda Brown at ro...@mac.com wrote:

> Hi David,
> I¹m not sure I understand what you are wanting to do.
> Since Time Machine cannot back up your Time Capsule's internal hard drive, or
> a USB drive connected to it, if you have other data there, you'll need a
> different method to back up that other data.
> In a pinch, you can disconnect a USB drive from your Time Capsule, attach it
> to your Mac, and copy or back it up that way.
> There is a procedure that will let you "archive" the Time Capsule's internal
> disk to a USB drive connected to it.
> But it's not quick; all users will be disconnected from both the internal HD
> and the connected USB disk while it's running (but the network will remain
> usable); and it's "all or nothing" -- you can only use this procedure to copy
> the entire contents.
> Post back for more information if this is what you are wanting to do ;-)
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 ³Thunderbolt"
> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
> OS X 10.6.7 Snow Leopard
> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
> On 13/05/2011, at 11:03 AM, David de la Hunty wrote:
>> Taking the discussion one step further,
>> I have a Time Capsule 1TB,
>> also an external 1TB USB HDD
>> Any tricks to setting up a regular complete drive-to-drive backup? Paranoia
>> backup manoeuvre but you deal with this stuff long enough you do get burnt.
>> Does it have to happen from an "affiliated" computer ie rely on an
>> applescript for the purpose or can a backup routine be configured either
>> directly on the TC or in said affiliated computer?
>> dd
>> On 13/05/2011, at 9:53, Severin Crisp wrote:
>>> No.  Time Machine will not recognise a drive networked in this way through
>>> an Airport Extreme.
>>> Severin Crisp
>>> On 13/05/2011, at 7:22 AM, Paul K wrote:
>>>> Hi Severin
>>>> But you can use the drive for TM backups across the network yes?
>>>> Not sure what you mean by virtual Time Capsule.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Paul

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