Hi Ashley,

The question here was not so much what to use as a regular backup but how to
back-up the TM disk and still have the backup recognised by TM.

Yes CCC does pretty much the same thing as SuperDuper and both can do
³smart² updates ­ where the only thing that is updated is what has changed.

There are also other ways of ³synchronising² files/folders/drives.

The thing is ­ if you use SuperDuper (or CCC) to clone the TM drive, and
then keep it updated with ³smart² updates and then your ³main² TM drive dies
- will the cloned drive perform in the same way as the original did:
* will TM recognise the cloned TM drive as the TM drive
* will it be searchable as before for previous versions of a file
* will you be able to ³restore² a file using TM as before
* most importantly, for the first TM backup using the cloned drive, will it
continue to incrementally backup or will it treat it as a ³new² drive and do
a complete ³new² TM backup.


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 13/5/11 12:59 PM, Ashley Mulder at ashley.mul...@student.curtin.edu.au

> I use CarbonCopyCloner as my regular backup software
> I can schedule a regular update to my external drive (which i have)
> and if the drive is not connected at the exact time its supposed to start, it
> will auto start when it is connected
> It only updated what is changed between the internal and external drive
> On 13/05/2011, at 12:43 PM, Neil Houghton wrote:
>> As you point out, the problem with your archiving solution is that you copy
>> the entire drive contents ­ a huge time-consuming task on a multi-GB drive ­
>> whereas the beauty of the TM backup is it only copies the CHANGES ­ typically
>> a quick write of many small files.
> Ashley Mulder
> BSc (Forensic and Analytical Chemistry) | (Forensic Science Hons.)
> PhD Student (Chemistry)
> Department of Chemistry
> Curtin University
> ashley.mul...@student.curtin.edu.au
> a.mul...@curtin.edu.au
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