On 23/07/2011, at 12:26 AM, Ian Reid wrote:
> Good evening all
> Instead of printing out User's Guides I put them in Dropbox and open them on 
> the iPad when following instructions for procedures on the iMac. I can't do 
> this with the User's Guide in my SuperDuper download and I can't seem to 
> locate any clues in the Dropbox Help. 
> The particular User's Guide in my download is only an alias. Could  this be 
> the reason that drag and drop doesn't work for me?

Right-Click on the alias of the PDF you've found in the Finder and then select 
"Show Original" from the menu that appears.

This will open the folder containing the original PDF and you can then access 
that normally.

Nicholas Pyers (nicho...@appleusers.org)
Founder & Publisher, AppleUsers.org


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