Hi All,

For all we know, Steve may have been CEO in title only for a number of years.  Unfortunately the share market and public perception of a Steve-less Apple has probably made it that much harder for Steve to battle his illness privately and away from the stress of running a huge company.

All the best Steve.  There is more to life than shiny gadgets...enjoy smelling the roses :-)



-- Sent from my HP TouchPad

On 25/08/2011 9:53 AM, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:

Yes Carlo,

When I received an alert email early this morning, I felt such a deep sadness.
I guess we have all been expecting it for quite some time, but to now know it is official and Steve Jobs has resigned due to his ill health is a sad day indeed.


On 25/08/2011, at 9:38 AM, cm wrote:

> Hi Wamugers,
> I guess we all knew it was coming, but it is a sad day nevertheless. Steve is staying on as Chairman of the Board, Director and Apple employee but knowing what we do about him, nothing apart from ill-health would make him resign as CEO. The contrast with the circumstances of Bill Gate's resignation could not be more marked. Gates likely forced out by an illegal practices court case but Jobs staying on and innovating for as long as his health permitted.
> Cheers,
> Carlo
> On 2011-08-25, at 07:28, Rod Blitvich wrote:

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