Oh dear, not the best news Alastair,

The PowerBook G4 (15-inch 1.67/1.5GHz Memory Slot Repair Extension Program 
ended on July 24, 2008 :-(


I feel it is time for you to put the PowerBook ‘out to pasture’ and upgrade to 
a MacBook Pro, unless you can do as Carlo has suggested below.


On 11/11/2011, at 11:18 AM, cm wrote:

> That's a pity, Alastair. As you say it is harder to fix the slot than the 
> DIMM. I have no corresponding model here to look at, but your DIMM slot is 
> likely connected to the mother board and may require that the mother board be 
> swapped out. A less painful alternative may be to find out the maximum memory 
> that you can load up the remaining slots with and just live without the 
> fourth slot. It's possible that by increasing the size of DIMM in the 
> remaining good slots, you may end up with even more memory than you have now.
> Cheers,
> Carlo
> Sent from my iPad
> On 11/11/2011, at 11:10, alas.i...@iinet.net.au wrote:
>> Hi Ronni and Carlo
>> It's not the dimms it's the slots! Both modules test fine in the  
>> bottom slot and throw a bunch of failures in the top one. I'm  
>> thinking it's a lot less easy to fix a slot than replace a dimm??
>> thanks
>> alastair
>> On 10/11/2011, at 12:20 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>> Sorry Alastair,
>>> I hit send before I realised I had not included the link for  
>>> Memtest, where you can download the ‘User Guide’ etc:
>>> <http://www.memtestosx.org/joomla/index.php>
>>> On 10/11/2011, at 12:14 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>> Hi Alastair,
>>>> If you are now experiencing Kernel Panics and because you also  
>>>> mentioned you had run Memtest and it reported many errors, that  
>>>> your RAM (Memory) ‘could’ be the problem.  This is not conclusive  
>>>> as there are other things that can cause Kernel Panics.
>>>> If you have run memtest before I imagine you have already read all  
>>>> the documentation regarding running memtest.
>>>> When you ran Memtest, did you run it in ‘Single-User Mode’?
>>>> In this mode, nearly all of the installed ram can be tested  
>>>> whereas under the full OS, a considerable portion of memory is  
>>>> tied up by OS X processes and the Quartz window manager.
>>>> Running memtest in single-user mode maximizes the effectiveness of  
>>>> the memory test.
>>>> To boot into single-user mode, hold down the "Command" and "S"  
>>>> keys during startup. You will be automatically logged in as the  
>>>> user root with a minimal command line environment. The login  
>>>> directory for the root account is "/" which is the top-level  
>>>> directory of the boot volume.
>>>> Assuming that the memtest folder resides in your Applications  
>>>> folder, a typical invocation of memtest would be the following:
>>>>> /Applications/memtest/memtest all 3 -L <RETURN>    ( <RETURN>  
>>>>> means press the Return key)
>>>> This would run three passes of the test suite, testing all  
>>>> available free memory. The "-L" switch instructs memtest to save  
>>>> the transcript of the run to a file named "memtest.log" within the  
>>>> working directory from which you invoked memtest (also known as  
>>>> the current working directory).
>>>> Under the full OS, launching a terminal window sets the working  
>>>> directory to /Users/login_name where login_name is the account  
>>>> name you logged in with.
>>>> Note that when running in single-user mode, you are automatically  
>>>> logged in as the "root" user so the default current working  
>>>> directory is /private/var/root.
>>>> The main thing to remember is that the memtest.log file is always  
>>>> saved in the current working directory which is the same thing as  
>>>> the login directory unless the user manually changes to a  
>>>> different working directory.
>>>> Alternatively, you can cd  into the memtest folder and run the  
>>>> program using the command
>>>>> ./memtest all 3 -L <RETURN>     (Don't forget the period before  
>>>>> the forward slash!)
>>>> Best to run at least 3 to 5 passes to obtain the best test  
>>>> coverage of marginal or intermittently failing DIMMs.
>>>> To test less than all of the available free memory, replace the  
>>>> all option with the number of megabytes to test (e.g. 10, 100,  
>>>> 512, etc). The number entered is assumed to be in MB. For example,  
>>>> the command,
>>>>> /Applications/memtest/memtest 1150 3 -L <RETURN>
>>>> will test 1150 MB of the installed memory assuming this much is  
>>>> available for testing.
>>>> Memtest currently does not have the ability to isolate which DIMM  
>>>> or DIMMs are marginal or defective when the test results report a  
>>>> failure. This feature is planned for a future release. For now,  
>>>> the best way to isolate the offending DIMM(s) is to use a binary  
>>>> search methodology. This is an algorithm which is popular in many  
>>>> sorting routines and can lead to the discovery of a defective DIMM  
>>>> in a minimal number of swap/test sequences.
>>>> When memtest reports one or more failures, the first step in  
>>>> isolating the offending DIMMs is to remove half of them and then  
>>>> rerun memtest. If there are no failures, then the suspect DIMMs  
>>>> are the ones that were removed. If failures are still reported,  
>>>> then one or more of the still-installed DIMMs are bad.
>>>> If the failures are in the still-installed DIMMs, again remove  
>>>> half of them and retest. If the failure are gone, then swap the  
>>>> installed half for the removed half and retest. Each time a test  
>>>> is run, either cut the number of installed DIMMs in half (for a  
>>>> failure) or swap the installed DIMMs for the removed ones (no  
>>>> failure) until the minimal number of DIMMs are installed (e.g.,  
>>>> one pair in the G5 systems). Once you're down to the minimal  
>>>> installation, put back in all of the now known good DIMMs and swap  
>>>> one of the remaining suspects out for the next test. Under normal  
>>>> circumstances, you should be able to isolate the failing DIMMs in  
>>>> just a few swap/test cycles.
>>>> There are many other reasons DIMMs can appear to be bad.  
>>>> Sometimes, a defective DIMM socket is the culprit and simply not  
>>>> using that socket solves the problem. Problems can also arise from  
>>>> mixing and matching different brands of DIMMs, especially if they  
>>>> aren't all rated with the same timing specs. It's even possible  
>>>> that the motherboard CPU caches may be bad and the fault doesn't  
>>>> lie with the DIMMs at all. Suspect the CPU caches if the tests  
>>>> pass in single-user mode but fail in a terminal window under the  
>>>> full OS. The CPU caches are turned off in single-user mode and are  
>>>> therefore not part of the memory test, whereas the caches are in  
>>>> the test path under full OS operation.
>>>> To exit single-user mode, type either the reboot command or the  
>>>> shut command at the unix prompt. The reboot command reboots the  
>>>> machine into the full operating system and is analogous to  
>>>> restarting from the Finder. The shut command powers down the  
>>>> machine and is analogous to shutting down the system from the  
>>>> Finder. These are the only recommended methods for exiting single- 
>>>> user mode.
>>>> Carlo might suggest doing something else first.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ronni
>>>> On 10/11/2011, at 11:43 AM, alas.i...@iinet.net.au wrote:
>>>>> Hi Ronni and Carlo
>>>>> Well I did the permission repair from the disc and it found a whole
>>>>> paragraph of things to fix which hadn't appeared before, and so far
>>>>> no safari quits (though it hasn't been long and I'm not using
>>>>> illustrator this morning)
>>>>> But I've had 2 kernel panics. Don't remember ever having one on the
>>>>> PB before. Any further thoughts appreciated
>>>>> best
>>>>> alastair
>>>>> On 09/11/2011, at 12:31 PM, cm wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Alastair,
>>>>>> (Just saw Ronni's email but this was mostly written so I will send
>>>>>> it along)
>>>>>> When a problem is really baffling it can sometimes be hardware
>>>>>> related but at this stage you can't rule out a software problem.
>>>>>> Some serious diagnostics are in order. :-)
>>>>>> These tests could be run in order so that if one test comes back
>>>>>> positive there is no need to proceed to the next.
>>>>>> To check for a software problem:
>>>>>> 1) Check your system log for anything unusual.
>>>>>> 2) Try to repair permission from the CD so that you do not actually
>>>>>> boot into your potentially faulty system.
>>>>>> 3) Create a new account and run Safari to see if it is stable. If
>>>>>> it is then the problem could be in the user settings of your
>>>>>> original account.
>>>>>> 4) Get an external drive with a clean install on the external drive
>>>>>> see if Safari is stable -- if this works there could be something
>>>>>> wrong with your system level settings, but there could also be a
>>>>>> hard-drive hardware problem.
>>>>>> To check for a hardware problem. The most likely candidates are the
>>>>>> hard drive and memory.
>>>>>> 1) Clone your current installation to an external drive. Run from
>>>>>> the external drive and see if it is stable -- if so the hard drive
>>>>>> is likely at fault.
>>>>>> 2) If you have spares or know of someone with a similar model
>>>>>> computer swap out the memory and give it a try.
>>>>>> If you choose to do any of the above please write back and we can
>>>>>> give you a hand interpreting the results.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Carlo
>>>>>> On 09/11/2011, at 11:11 , alas.i...@iinet.net.au wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all
>>>>>>> Been googling this till my fingers bleed and can't fix it.
>>>>>>> G4 powerbook 1.5  10.4.11 Applications keep quitting  
>>>>>>> unexpectedly -
>>>>>>> worst culprits safari and illustrator CS2 - no use switching to
>>>>>>> firefox or camino; if safari is doing it, so do they. Sometimes  
>>>>>>> i can
>>>>>>> go all day without quits, others it happens every 2 mins. if i  
>>>>>>> repair
>>>>>>> permissions and restart things are usually ok for a while but  
>>>>>>> problem
>>>>>>> soon returns. tried trashing plists and entire illustrator  
>>>>>>> folder in
>>>>>>> application support, turning off plug-ins in safari,  
>>>>>>> deactivating all
>>>>>>> but system fonts, run onyx and fsck. i'm running out of ideas!  
>>>>>>> sorry
>>>>>>> about one hand typing - small niece on lap.
>>>>>>> your suggestions much appreciated
>>>>>>> kind regards
>>>>>>> alastair

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