Hi Tim,

> 3. On return to Australia, I updated to OS5, updated Pages on the desktop, 
> iPhone and iPad, and started using iCloud. 

So all the Pages documents were created on the iPad before you had iCloud 
syncing setup?
Did you sync the Pages Documents to your Mac as soon as you returned home to 
your computer and BEFORE setting up iCloud?

You won’t see these Pages Documents in iCloud if you didn’t.

DON’T delete the Pages Documents until we have time to sort out what has 
happened and ways to restore the documents.

I haven’t had time to read your post thoroughly, as soon as I’m able I’ll get 
back to you and try to give any assistance I can.
Just don’t delete the Pages documents because once deleted they are gone!


On 30/11/2011, at 6:37 AM, Tim Law wrote:

> Thanks Carlo,
> When I go to https://www.icloud.com/   on either the iPhone or iPad, Safari 
> flicks me through to a page that will only allow me to 'Set up iCloud', 
> 'install find my iPhone', and 'Install Find my friends'.  There is no option 
> to log in.    iCloud IS setup on both devices and apart from this, is 
> functioning as I would expect. I cannot find a place to  'see' the documents 
> as they are stored on iCloud, unlike I could with iDisk in the good old 
> days....  :-)
> However, when I go to https://www.icloud.com/  on my Mac Mini, and then to 
> iWork, I see the documents I am seeking. Any that are in Word, or created 
> with the new version of Pages on the iPad (I created a test document 
> yesterday before asking for help) are working as expected and will download. 
> However the documents I created on the iPad in October remain a problem. I 
> can select them and delete them. But if I click on them to try to download 
> them, a flag comes up on the document saying 'Updating' and stays there for 
> ages, like 10 minutes. 
> It looks like these documents are toast. As I said in my original query, the 
> contents of them have already been pasted over into my wordpress travel blog, 
> but geez, if not, I'd be mighty miffed. 
> I imagine I'm not alone.
> The sequence of events again is.
> 1. Travelling in Europe, I created a document each day as a diary. It was 
> easier to write into Pages, than straight into the wordpress blog site which 
> I could only do when online.  The version of Pages on the iPad was the one 
> current in September/ October, 2011
> 2. Whilst I was away, iCloud and the updated version of Pages for iPad was 
> released. I did not update whilst away as I needed to connect to my desktop 
> computer. 
> 3. On return to Australia, I updated to OS5, updated Pages on the desktop, 
> iPhone and iPad, and started using iCloud. 
> 4. Browsing through Pages yesterday so I could test my new bluetooth keyboard 
> with the intention of recording investigation reports on the iPad, I find 
> these documents written in the previous version are not functioning. 
> This has shaken my confidence in Pages, as if for example I'm in the middle 
> of a major investigation in a workplace dispute and have recorded the 
> evidence of several respondents, then Pages gets updated; am I going to lose 
> access to all my work???   That's a concern for the future. 
> For now, I'll use iWork online to delete these older documents, unless 
> someone has an idea that might resurrect them.
> For anyone that's interested, my blog is at lawtbm.wordpress.com. It 
> documents a family trip to Europe using Eurail pass for the trains and a self 
> organised itinerary. 
> Thanks
> Tim
> On 29/11/2011, at 10:07 PM, cm wrote:
>> Hi Tim,
>> Yes I like the small and light, yet totally functional Apple bluetooth 
>> keyboard as well. 
>> You could try looking on the iCloud website to see what state iCloud itself 
>> believes the documents are in. If the documents are there you can then 
>> download them to your Mac.
>> To check the iCloud website:
>> 1) Point Safari at https://www.icloud.com/ and log in using your Apple ID 
>> and password. Check the keep me logged in checkbox if you like.
>> 2) Select the iWork icon if it is visible on the screen. If it is not 
>> visible select the cloud icon at the top left of the page and then select 
>> the iWork icon.
>> 3) You will then see all the iWork documents that you have stored on iCloud. 
>> If the documents you are after are there, clicking on them will display a 
>> Download button that will allow you to download a copy to your Mac.
>> Cheers,
>> Carlo
>> On 29/11/2011, at 20:30 , Tim Law wrote:
>>> First the good news; I bought a Apple Bluetooth keyboard on the Apple store
>>> sale last Friday. It arrived today and synced up easily with the iPad 1.
>>> It's a nice keyboard to use, good feel, and I'm looking forward to using it
>>> more - in particular with Pages which I've had on the iPad for over a year.
>>> Whilst travelling in October this year, I wrote a number of diary
>>> notes/blogs in Pages on the iPad. When I arrived back in Australia, I
>>> upgraded to the new version of Pages, and also OS5 and started syncing with
>>> iCloud.
>>> Now I find I cannot open the documents I created in Europe. I cannot select
>>> them either when using the Edit command in Pages. There are about 15
>>> documents. Some of them have a bar across the bottom that looks like it is
>>> waiting to download. Others have an arrow on the top right hand corner, but
>>> when I tap them to open them, I get a message saying I need to be connected
>>> to the internet. But I already am connected....
>>> These are not documents created on the Mac with a desktop version of Pages,
>>> these are documents I created on the same iPad, but now since an upgrade, I
>>> cannot do anything with them.
>>> Fortunately the stories have already been pasted into a proper online blog,
>>> but if they hadn't been, I'd be really stressed about not being able to
>>> open them.
>>> I have an iPad 1, with all software up to date.
>>> I've not tried to find these documents on my desktop Mac Mini or open them
>>> on Desktop Pages. Should I?
>>> Ta
>>> Tim

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