Hi Ronni,

I get to see your photo and Adrian's photo, just like Tim does.

I've just checked the preferences in Address Book and each option in vCard was 
ticked, including "Enable private me card", "Export notes in vCards" and 
"Export photos in vCards".

Such a trap for the unwary, especially if any-one has made notes on vCards, 
notes intended as a private aide memoir.

Now to see if that blasted butterfly has taken umbrage at not being wanted, and 
has flown away.



PS: I've now checked my entry as it was in my Address Book and that butterfly 
was there. I selected my Card and in the drop down menu chose card > Clear 
Custom Image and the butterfly went away. It has been replaced by one of the 
grey-out images the TV stations used to display when playing a sound bite.

On 12/01/2012, at 6:48 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

> Hi Peder,
> Thanks for your reply.
> On 12/01/2012, at 6:37 PM, Peder Kristensen <ped...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>> Ronni,
>> Just follow up. Yours and Adrian’s photo did not show up Mail in the Snow 
>> Leopard system, however, after installing Lion they do.
> That's correct!
> As I mentioned previously:
> I understand that in Lion Mail that if the person sending the email has 
> chosen a personal Address Book card using the Menu - Card > Make This My Card 
> (MeCard)  then if there is a photo on that card it will show up on email for 
> the recipients.
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> Sent from Ronni's iPad
>> On 12/01/2012, at 18:25 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>> Thanks Tim for your reply,
>>> My answers below in situ
>>> On 12/01/2012, at 6:04 PM, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au> wrote:
>>>> On 12/01/2012, at 5:31 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>>> Hi Tim,
>>>>> No Tim we don’t see your photo in the WAMUG emails.
>>>> That's good to know/clarify.
>>>>> Do you have your photo in your card in Address Book
>>>> Yes, it is in there. 
>>>>> and in System Preferences > Users & Groups?
>>>> Yes. The same photo is there. I assume that is where Address Book gets it 
>>>> from, or vice versa.
>>> That is correct.
>>>>> And yes, we have noticed that my OLD “My Card” (personal vCard) in 
>>>>> Address Book shows up on ‘some’ WAMUG recipients messages. Mainly 
>>>>> MobileMe email accounts.
>>>>> If a recipient of the message has the sender's vCard (Card in Address 
>>>>> Book) and it includes a photo, then the photo will show in messages from 
>>>>> that person.
>>>>> Do you have my vCard or have setup a card in Address Book with my details?
>>>> No I don't. I don't have any details for Adrian Skehan either in my 
>>>> Address Book, but I see both your photos in emails either of you send to 
>>>> WAMUG. 
>>> I would presume that Adrian has his Address Book Card set as his My Card as 
>>> do I.
>>>>> I understand that in Lion Mail that if the person sending the email has 
>>>>> chosen a personal Address Book card using the Menu - Card > Make This My 
>>>>> Card (MeCard)  then if there is a photo on that card it will show up on 
>>>>> email for the recipients. 
>>>> This appears to be what is happening. I note that this occurs for only 
>>>> yourself and Adrian, and a quick scan through shows me you are both 
>>>> mac.com and me.com subscribers and send from that account. Not many other 
>>>> WAMUG posters send from their mac.com or me.com  accounts, and it seems 
>>>> that those who do - Adrian and yourself, appear as images in my Mail. Not 
>>>> that I mind, just found it contrary to what we'd understood was happening. 
>>> I think there are more people than Adrian & I using their .me or .mac email 
>>> address on WAMUG.
>>> I also would be surprised if only Adrian & I have our Cards in Address Book 
>>> set as our 'My Card'.
>>> But that seems to be the common factor having your card set as My Card.
>>>>> If you have an Address Book card for the sender, then the photo on that 
>>>>> card will override the photo for their personal Address Book card.
>>>>> Tim you can remove old photos from appearing in Mail messages.
>>>>> Address Book stores pictures in the folder:
>>>>>     ~/Library/Images/People/ or in Lion ‘iChat Recent Pictures'
>>>>> Click the Home icon in the Finder toolbar, then proceed to your Library 
>>>>> folder then images > people
>>>>> After you navigate to the People or iChat Recent Pictures folder, you see 
>>>>> files with names that correspond to the email addresses in your Address 
>>>>> book. 
>>>> There is no folder ~/Library/Images/People, but there is 
>>>> ~/Library/Images/iChat Recent Pictures. 
>>>> In that folder there are no pictures of anyone, just two images I have 
>>>> used in the past as my photo in Address Book. 
>>>> I am using 10.7.2 and Mail 5.1
>>> I a not near  my computer to check but look in Home Library > Application 
>>> Support > Address Book, if I remember correctly there you will find images.
>>>> Neither your, or Adrian's, details are stored in my redundant Entourage 
>>>> Address Book either.
>>> No it has nothing to do with Entourage Address Book.
>>>> As I've said, I don't particularly mind seeing pictures of people, but if 
>>>> they are not expecting it to be displayed - which was the query of the 
>>>> original poster - then it'd be good to understand under what situations 
>>>> this is happening. 
>>> He did not have a photo.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> Sent from Ronni's iPad
>>>> Ta
>>>> Tim
>>>>> To remove a picture, simply drag it to the Trash.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ronni
>>>>> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
>>>>> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
>>>>> OS X 10.7.2 Lion
>>>>> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
>>>>> On 12/01/2012, at 5:05 PM, Tim Law wrote:
>>>>>> On 07/01/2012, at 8:50 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>>>>> Only you see that photo. Its your profile photo selected when you set 
>>>>>>> up the Mac. 
>>>>>>> It appears on your vCard in Address Book.
>>>>>>> The photo is not attached to the mail and the person receiving the mail 
>>>>>>> does not see it.
>>>>>> Hi Ronni, 
>>>>>> I'm not so sure about this. 
>>>>>> In the emails I receive from the list from your @mac address, I can see 
>>>>>> a lovely young woman smiling at me. 
>>>>>> Likewise, Adrian's smiling face appears when he is sending from his 
>>>>>> @me.com account. No one else's images are presented to the receiver, 
>>>>>> only from mac.com and me.com addresses. 
>>>>>> I've no other way of having these images, i.e. we are not Facebook 
>>>>>> friends - which I have found can import photos of others into my own 
>>>>>> Address Book
>>>>>> As a test, I'll send this from my @me.com account and see if my photo 
>>>>>> comes through. 
>>>>>> Tim
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