>On 08/02/2012, at 6:24 PM, gary dorn wrote:
>>  Howdy
>>  I've just upgraded a Macbook to Lion ( via USB stick) , principally
>>  so I could use iBooks Author ( requires 10.7.2) , and also to start
>>  the slow migration  of all our machine to Lion  before MobileMe
>>  finally dies..
>>  He have our email, contacts etc synced via MobileMe to iphones ,
>>  macPro, iMacs and iBook ( different accounts for different users
>>  If we open mail in Lion on the MacBook, will that affect opening/
>>  receiving/ sending email on the other machines - which all run with
>>  10.6.8
>>  appreciate any advice/experience
>Nothing should change from the way it was working when the Macbook 
>was running SL. The only thing that will change will be the way Mail 
>looks and works on your Macbook, but that won't affect Mail on the 
>other computers.

>Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services


so  does this mean, that if we decided to revert to SL on the 
macbook, because it syncs via mobile me, that email will all be okay 
- we just loose cant read Lion version of  mail file.

Not that we are likely to  downgrade ( my wife though dislkes Lions 
changes to Contacts, disappearing scroll bars, full screen....) as we 
are going to have to move to iCloud anyway which I understand 
requires Lion and iOS5.


gary dorn
north perth
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