Boy, I should get some sleep :(
Of course this 
> This upgrade from 10.7 Snow Leopard to 10.8 Mountain Lion 
Should read as “This upgrade from 10.7 Lion to 10.8 Mountain Lion”


On 17/02/2012, at 12:00 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

> On 17/02/2012, at 11:19 AM, Michael Hawkins wrote:
>> Lion is a pain in the butt to use. 
>> I hope that Mountain Lion isn't a more powerful pain.
>> Michael Hawkins.
> Hi Michael,
> Boy, I don’t know why you upgraded to Lion, you have done nothing but 
> complain about Lion ever since you installed it.
> Sure, we have all experienced things in Lion that are so very different to 
> any other operating system we have become used to, but this is not necessary 
> all bad. 
> Lion is a learning curve from Snow Leopard and we have had to learn “How to 
> use Lion” and how to customise it to suit the way we work.
> Mountain Lion is going to be more iOS than Lion is, Mountain Lion is building 
> on Lion and it is the way Apple is moving into the future.
> Mountain Lion from what I have read is going to be a very secure operating 
> system. Gatekeeper is a significant advance in the history of Mac security.
> Gatekeeper should ensure that we never see a Mac malware epidemic. It limits 
> the kind of downloaded applications that will run on a Mac. 
> I read these comments online and I agree with this person:
> /Extract taken from:
> Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion Stalks iOS:
> This upgrade from 10.7 Snow Leopard to 10.8 Mountain Lion isn’t meant to be a 
> major overhaul like the one we saw moving from 10.6 Snow Leopard to 10.7 
> Lion. The core user experience remains largely the same, with a series of 
> enhancements that build on the changes made in Lion. 
> If Apple pulls this off it will be one of the most ambitious leaps in the 
> history of consumer technology. 
> Just as the Mac changed desktop computing, the iPod changed the way we listen 
> to music, and the iPhone transformed the mobile phone into something from 
> science fiction, the overlap of iCloud, Lion, and iOS could change everything 
> we know about personal computing.
> Mountain Lion is the clearest indication yet that Apple shares this vision, 
> and if they succeed, how we use our computers, tablets, phones, and perhaps 
> even televisions will never be the same.
> Cheers,
> Ronni

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