Hi Peter,

Another thing to check on your Airport Wireless Network.

1. Open Airport Utility (if you are using Airport Utility v6.0).
2. Select your Time Capsule 
3. Click Edit
4. Then under the Network button you have these settings:
    Router Mode: DHCP and NAT
    Enable NAT Port Mapping Protocol  (have this enabled)


On 21/02/2012, at 6:38 AM, Peter Crisp wrote:

> Thanks Alex and others. I will put the other modem I have spare (a Netgear i 
> think) in place of the D Link and see how I go there.
> Regards 
> Pete
> On 19/02/2012, at 9:44 AM, Alexander Hartner <a...@j2anywhere.com> wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> The next time this happens just unplug your ethernet cable from your Mac and 
>> put it back. This has sometimes worked for me. If you on wireless, just 
>> disable the WIFI adaptor and re-enable. While this is not a solution is may 
>> point the way.
>> I also had a similar problem with my DAP 1522 which I posted about here : 
>> http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=1795995
>> What seem to have happened was that traffic was being routed within the 
>> network overloading the poor network devices. You might be able to get a 
>> dump of the network packets using tcpdump. 
>> Run this command in Terminal : sudo tcpdump -nS >~/tcpdump.txt
>> (Press CTRL+C after a couple of seconds [30+])
>> This creates a lot file on your home folder which shows all the traffic 
>> transmitted on your network.
>> Other things you can try is to identify which part of the network is slow / 
>> inaccessible ? Maybe it is just DNS resolution not working
>> To test this try the following commands in Terminal:
>> traceroute
>> (Shows the network hops from your network to and external IP address. This 
>> can be useful to see where the traffic gets stuck on the way out)
>> dig -x
>> (Tests the DNS configuration)
>> There are other commands which might be useful in diagnosing this issue but 
>> it is a good start. 
>> Let us know how far you get
>> Alex
>> On 19/02/2012, at 09:23 , Peter Crisp wrote:
>>> Hi Muggers, I have a Time capsule running in bridge mode from a D-Link 
>>> DSL-G604T and its a very reliable combination. It's worked well for some 
>>> years. I do however sometime need to reboot it all for inexplicable 
>>> reasons. Of late, since my kids have become Minecraft mad users (on their 
>>> respective Macbooks), more frequently needed to do this reboot process. It 
>>> seems to not correct by simply rebooting the D-Link, so I end up rebooting 
>>> both units which corrects the problem. 
>>> I hear them calling to me saying "Dad, the internet is down - again".
>>> The problem is, the internet is unresponsive, from anything on the network, 
>>> yet the green light remains on with the Time Capsule. Transmit rate can 
>>> still be showing high at the same time too. I suppose this means comms to 
>>> the TC from the Macbooks is fine.
>>> This isn't a major deal for me, but curious as to how the green light can 
>>> remain on, yet nothing on the network can get any response from the 
>>> internet.
>>> Any clues anyone?
>>> Regards
>>> Pete...

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