On 12/03/2012, at 4:51 PM, Severin Crisp wrote:

> A short while back I upgraded from Photoshop CS3 to CS5.1 and I am having 
> problems with printing to an Epson SP R2880.  I am unable to access the 
> "colour" setting for colour, greyscale etc no matter what paper  or other 
> settings are chosen.   At first I believed this was a Lion problem but 
> Graphic Converter has no such difficulties and everything is accessible as it 
> should be in the print dialog.  I must admit that having page setup and print 
> settings combined in the one "Print Settings" heading in PS 5.1 was minorly 
> off putting at first.   I have worked through every setting and preference in 
> Photoshop to no avail.   The printer driver is the latest from Epson, Snow 
> Leopard actually and Lion performs an update on the installation.   Epson 
> phone help has not been able to offer anything except that what I have should 
> work.  
> Is anyone else using this same combination Lion 7.3/CS5.1 Photoshop/SP R2880 
> who can comment?  
> Severin Crisp

Hi Severin

Though I haven't come across that "exact" problem, I had a client with a R2880 
that did have some printing issues for various things. (and it was actually 
running in 10.6.8 rather then Lion)
Unfortunately it wasn't something that was easily fixed via a couple of lines 
of email., and infact took a bit of prodding and poking around various things 
to fix them.
I wish I could offer some exact answers (or some exact fixing suggestions) but 
it wasn't that simple.

A few things to try (from my job notes for it) were to download and reinstall 
the Epson driver. (Even as a stand alone download)
Try Epson ones first - <http://tech.epson.com.au/downloads/product.asp>
Then try Apple's ones - 
There was also something about getting Page Setup (or similar) first to ensure 
it was using the "correct" Epson drive. (ensure it's loading the Epson driver 
and not the Epson Gutenprint driver). Set it there, and photoshop had another 
set of settings to adjust printer selection as well.

Once we played around with a few of the printer selections and printer 
settings, we got it to mostly work a lot better then it did. (Though in the end 
it still missed something.)
Sorry, I don't have Photoshop so can't' remember all of it straight from work 

But that would be were I'd start working through first.
You've got Photoshop fully updated (well bar the 5.5 version I'm guessing)

Hope something there helps

Kind regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

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