Hi, I am having a problem trying to sync or manually load an event from a MPB 
(which is linked to my iMac via wifi sharing on the same network), to my iPod 
which is registered through my iMac.

On my Imac I select the iPod under devices in iTunes go to Photos>Sync Photos 
from MPB>matt>Pictures and get to iphoto Library and it is greyed out?

I then tried iPhoto Library Manager and selected the MPB iphoto library and it 
showed up. I tried to Relaunch iPhoto and received the notice, "Caution - The 
iPhoto Library is locked, on a locked disk, or  your do not have permission to 
make changes to it" with an OK option which once pressed closed the iPhoto 

I checked Systems Preferences and had Sharing>Shared Folders>Pictures>Users> 
Myself as admin R&W and Everyone as Read only on the MPB, which is the source 
for the files. Oh and File Sharing is On on both computers.

I have been able to get to photos in other file located in MBP>matt>Pictures 
folder to the iPod, using the Sync method above, but of all the files located 
in the Pictures folder the only one that is greyed out is iPhoto file.

Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can make it appear in iTunes, so as I 
can use the sync facility?

I presume I cannot plug the iPod into the MPB as it would ruin the sync with 
all of the songs, videos, audio books etc. that have been loaded onto it from 
the iMac?



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