Hi Severin

It shouldn't be, as although Lion is 64bit (and doesn't have a 32bit kernel any 
more), it will in fact still run 32bit apps. It's only a problem if the app 
itself requires (or expects) a 32-bit kernel.

The security thing I was thinking of was in 
System Preferences - Security & Privacy. Then on the first page (tab) under 
General. Down the bottom it says "Allow applications downloaded from:" Set that 
to Anywhere to try it. It shouldn't really affect it (as it's mostly to do with 
downloading/downloads), but hey,..worth a try :))

Also do you have Adobe CS6 updated to the most current version? (i.e. no 
software updates for it?)

And I'm guessing you can't create the Droplet "apps" again?

You probably saw this thread about trying it in another user account to see if 
they work there as well?

Sorry, I don't actually use Photoshop but just taking some semi educated 
guessed with it,…hehe :)

Kind regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Apple**

On 10/08/2012, at 10:35 PM, Severin Crisp <sevcr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:

> Have just noticed that the Droplets are 32bit.  Could that be the trouble?
> Severin
> On 10/08/2012, at 5:46 PM, Daniel Kerr <dan...@macwizardry.com.au> wrote:
>> Do they give an error message when tried to be used?
>> It could be they're treated as "little applications" that don't pass 
>> Gatekeeper. You could try System Preferences -Security and "allow all" 
>> (applications) to see if it lets you use them then. 
>> (sorry not very clear instructions as not near computer at moment. 
>> Otherwise possibly another type of coding difference. 
>> Thats one quick thought worth a try. 
>> Will think more later when free if that doesn't help :)
>> Kind regards
>> Daniel
>> Sent from my iPhone 4s
>> ---
>> Daniel Kerr
>> MacWizardry
>> Phone: 0414 795 960
>> Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
>> Web: <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
>> ** For Everything Apple **
>> On 10/08/2012, at 5:40 PM, Severin Crisp <sevcr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>>> I find that my Photoshop CS6 droplets do not work in Mountain Lion, were 
>>> fine in Lion.   I see this is a recognised problem with no very clear 
>>> solution yet.  I find that the same Actions on which I base my failing 
>>> Droplets (File/Automate/Create Droplet…) in fact perform correctly under 
>>> File/Automate/Batch…   Strange, the action and dialogs seem vitally 
>>> identical.  
>>> Anyone a comment to offer?
>>> Severin Crisp
>>> ________________________________________________________
>>>                 Assoc Professor R Severin Crisp, FIP, CPhys, FAIP
>>>     15 Thomas St, Mount Clarence, Albany, 6330, Western Australia.
>>>                  Phone  (08) 9842 1950   (Int'l +61 8 9842 1950)
>>>                          email  mailto:sevcr...@westnet.com.au  
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> ________________________________________________________
>                   Assoc Professor R Severin Crisp, FIP, CPhys, FAIP
>       15 Thomas St, Mount Clarence, Albany, 6330, Western Australia.
>                    Phone  (08) 9842 1950   (Int'l +61 8 9842 1950)
>                            email  mailto:sevcr...@westnet.com.au  
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