Ok, thanks again for this Carlo. I've ebay'd a 1TB external drive so I have the 
space to do the operations below. It will probably arrive with FAT formatting. 
I presume I will need to reformat the new drive to OS Journaled so it can 
accomodate the sparsebundle files (>4GB). Is this right?

The rest should be straight forward.

I'll revert either way with success or otherwise.



On 08/08/2012, at 9:04 AM, "wa...@realworldcomputing.com.au" 
<wa...@realworldcomputing.com.au> wrote:

> The nice formatting of the previous was removed at the news group server so I 
> will repost just the bullet points of the previous email...
> * Obtain an external drive with enough space to store the two sparse bundles 
> you wish to keep.
> * Turn off all Time Machine back up from al the computers in your house.
> * Move the two good sparse bundles to an external drive for safe keeping.
> * Erase the Time Capsule using Airport Utility ( knowledge base article link
>         http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4522?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US )
> * At this point try to backup the new install of your 9yo's computer to Time 
> Capsule. There should be nothing stopping it now.
> (post back if it does not work)
> * Copy back the other two sparse bundles to Time Capsule
> * Check that the existing computers are still associated with their newly 
> reinstate sparse bundle
> (if not post back)
> C
> On 08/08/2012, at 8:57 AM, wa...@realworldcomputing.com.au wrote:
>> Hi Pete,
>> Just to wrap up this thread I'll summarise where we left things. It seems 
>> the existing Time Capsule sparse bundle associated with you 9yo's MacBook 
>> refuses to budge. In the end Time Capsule is an independent computer with 
>> its own permissions and accounts. Apple attempts to keep these permissions 
>> synchronised but there can be slip-ups.
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