Righto, so the two 'good' sparsebundles copied off ok, then the Time Capsule 
erase. Using Airport Utility, I was presented with 4 options of how to erase 
the TC - Quick Erase, All Zeros, All Zeroes 3 times, All Zeros 7 times. I chose 
"All Zeros" initially and the process started ok and got to around 15% where it 
never got past - I left it for the whole weekend! Not sure why this was but 
after some learned advice from Dad, I interrupted it and did the Quick Erase 
which was complete in minutes which resulted in 929.45 GB free from the 1TB. 
All good.

Started shaking with anticipation at this point and got Tim's (9yo) MacBook, 
checked the naming was ok and set it off.......... Well it just set about doing 
a normal first time backup (49GB) which was completed within 3 hours - success!

Just got to reinstate the two other sparsebundles now and get it all sorted.

It's been a lengthy process with lots of help from many, for which I am 
grateful, but this issue is almost completed now.



On 20/08/2012, at 8:28 PM, "wa...@realworldcomputing.com.au" 
<wa...@realworldcomputing.com.au> wrote:

> Well done Peter! The new drive will help you sort things out for you Time 
> Capsule and besides will be useful afterwards for future upgrades when you 
> want to make a clone.
> You are exactly right about the formatting. Make sure you use a GUID 
> partition table and the Mac OS Extended (Journaled) file system.
> Good luck!
> Carlo
> ---
> Carlo Margio
> Real World Computing
> mob: +61 404 296 965
> i...@realworldcomputing.com.au
> www.realworldcomputing.com.au
> On 20/08/2012, at 5:04 PM, Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>> Ok, thanks again for this Carlo. I've ebay'd a 1TB external drive so I have 
>> the space to do the operations below. It will probably arrive with FAT 
>> formatting. I presume I will need to reformat the new drive to OS Journaled 
>> so it can accomodate the sparsebundle files (>4GB). Is this right?
>> The rest should be straight forward.
>> I'll revert either way with success or otherwise.
>> Regards
>> Pete
>> On 08/08/2012, at 9:04 AM, "wa...@realworldcomputing.com.au" 
>> <wa...@realworldcomputing.com.au> wrote:
>>> The nice formatting of the previous was removed at the news group server so 
>>> I will repost just the bullet points of the previous email...
>>> * Obtain an external drive with enough space to store the two sparse 
>>> bundles you wish to keep.
>>> * Turn off all Time Machine back up from al the computers in your house.
>>> * Move the two good sparse bundles to an external drive for safe keeping.
>>> * Erase the Time Capsule using Airport Utility ( knowledge base article link
>>>       http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4522?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US )
>>> * At this point try to backup the new install of your 9yo's computer to 
>>> Time Capsule. There should be nothing stopping it now.
>>> (post back if it does not work)
>>> * Copy back the other two sparse bundles to Time Capsule
>>> * Check that the existing computers are still associated with their newly 
>>> reinstate sparse bundle
>>> (if not post back)
>>> C
>>> On 08/08/2012, at 8:57 AM, wa...@realworldcomputing.com.au wrote:
>>>> Hi Pete,
>>>> Just to wrap up this thread I'll summarise where we left things. It seems 
>>>> the existing Time Capsule sparse bundle associated with you 9yo's MacBook 
>>>> refuses to budge. In the end Time Capsule is an independent computer with 
>>>> its own permissions and accounts. Apple attempts to keep these permissions 
>>>> synchronised but there can be slip-ups.
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