Hi Marcus,

I'm not anywhere near a computer at the moment, I will be back home later today 
and will have a look at my iPhoto'11 Library to see perhaps if I can understand 
what your problem actually is, I'm not understanding what you are experiencing 

Just a thought... You wouldn't have these photos hidden would you?
Click on View > Hidden Photos


Sent from Ronni's iPad4

On 15/06/2013, at 8:12 AM, Marcus F Harris <cryptodo...@me.com> wrote:

> Hi Ronni,
> Unfortunately neither suggestion worked for me.
> I mean, I followed the procedures but to no avail.
> I'll respond to the discussions as well in case someone else has the same 
> issue with ML 10.8.4.
> Thanks for suggestions.
> Cheers
> Marcus
> Message sent from Marcus's iPhone4 Go Eagles
> On 15/06/2013, at 7:26 AM, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Hi Marcus,
>> Did you try both suggestions to your question on Apple Discussions?
>> <https://discussions.apple.com/message/22244495#22244495>
>> /quotes
>> "As a Test:
>> Hold down the option (or alt) key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu 
>> select 'Create Library'
>> Import a few pics into this new, blank library. Is the Problem repeated 
>> there?"
>> And
>> "If that doesn't work, try rebuilding the library."
>> iPhoto Library rebuild
>> /end Quotes
>> What were your results?
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>> On 14/06/2013, at 5:51 PM, Marcus F Harris <cryptodo...@me.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Ronni,
>>> No, I can view the thumbnails, however I followed your advice and that 
>>> didn't change anything.
>>> Then, I did a full database rebuild and still no resolution of the issue.
>>> After updating to OS10.8.4 I can no longer view an individual photos within 
>>> "info and edit". 
>>> I know the image is there because Face ID is showing as "is this So and So?"
>>> So, for some strange reason, the image itself is invisible.
>>> I have run permission repairs and restarted with shift key active and it 
>>> makes no difference.
>>> If you have any further suggestions, I'll be pleased to try them.
>>> cheers
>>> Marcus
>>> Marcus Harris
>>> P.O. Box 7135
>>> Marcus Harris
>>> Shenton Park
>>> Western Australia 6008
>>> Australia
>>> Cryptodome Pty Ltd
>>> cryptodo...@me.com
>>> Mob: +61 (0) 417965618
>>>>> iMac 27 2010
>>>>> OS 10.8.4
>>>>> 3.06 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
>>>>> 8 Gb 1067 MHz RAM
>>> On 14/06/2013, at 8:32 AM, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Marcus,
>>>> Do you mean the Thumbnails of the photos are not showing in Photos?
>>>> If using iPhoto'11 (v 9.4.3)
>>>> 1. Quit iPhoto
>>>> 2. Then while holding the Command and Option keys on the keyboard, open 
>>>> iPhoto
>>>> 3. A dialogue box appears, select "Rebuild Thumbnails"
>>>> This can take awhile if you have a large library.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ronni
>>>> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>>>> On 13/06/2013, at 9:11 PM, Marcus F Harris <cryptodo...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi, I am a snapshot photographer and use iPhoto to store and edit my 
>>>>> snaps.
>>>>> After updating to OS10.8.4 I can no longer view individual photos with 
>>>>> "info and edit".
>>>>> I know the image is there because face ID is showing as "is this So and 
>>>>> So?"
>>>>> Can someone please point out what I need to do to reveal the image, which 
>>>>> is now hidden?
>>>>> Thank you
>>>>> Marcus
>>>>> Marcus Harris
>>>>> P.O. Box 7135
>>>>> Marcus Harris
>>>>> Shenton Park
>>>>> Western Australia 6008
>>>>> Australia
>>>>> Cryptodome Pty Ltd
>>>>> cryptodo...@me.com
>>>>> Mob: +61 (0) 417965618
>>>>> iMac 27 2010
>>>>> OS 10.8.4
>>>>> 3.06 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
>>>>> 8 Gb 1067 MHz RAM
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