Hi Chris,

In my Tutorial that I sent to you Offlist 'Prepare for Mavericks' - 
On Page 2: How To Check Your Applications Are Compatible with Mavericks

 "Any items labelled “Classic” or “PowerPC” will not work with Mavericks. 
ONLY Universal & Intel will run in Mavericks OS X 10.9"

I also mentioned to you in that email  offlist - "Always best to use the 
uninstaller that came with the Application. Always check on the Applications 
website to see if they have an uninstaller or instructions how to correctly 
uninstall the app. If the application does not have an uninstaller & the 
website does not give uninstall instructions... you can use AppZapper or 
AppCleaner... sometimes they don't get rid of everything but better than just 
dragging an App to the trash."

So yes, uninstall any "Classic" & "Power PC" applications and if you have 
applications you don't use anymore you might as well uninstall them. But first 
check to see if there is an uninstaller or uninstall instructions for the 

The Tutorial - section C) Clean Up your Computer 


On 7 Jul 2014, at 5:20 pm, Chris Burton <c...@it.net.au> wrote:
> Hi Ronni
> I have downloaded Appcleaner to assist with the uninstalls for any apps that 
> need it. Would it be right to uninstall those that are 'classic' and ' 
> PowerPC' in addition to the 'intel' apps that I dont really need any more? If 
> so I could use the list shown by the System Profiler, sort by kind then use 
> Appcleaner to uninstall? Would that be right?
> Many thanks again
> Chris
> Christopher L.K. Burton
> Director
> Western Whale Research
> PO Box 1076
> Dunsborough WA 6281
> Mobile: 0419 199 120
> Email: c...@it.net.au 
> www.souwest.org
> On 07/07/2014, at 1:52 PM, Ronni Brown wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> My comments in situ below
>> On 7 Jul 2014, at 12:11 pm, Chris Burton <c...@it.net.au> wrote:
>>> Hi Ronni
>>> Thanks so much for your very helpful reply email, and my apologies for the 
>>> delay, I have been just flat out with some work finally arriving after a 
>>> long 14 mnths!
>>> I have a couple of questions and comments for you;
>>> I cant find your 'offlist' email, so can you send it to me please Ronni?
>> I will email to you "Offlist" (as WAMUG does not allow attachments to be 
>> included in emails), my 'Tutorial Prepare For Mavericks' which I mentioned 
>> previously.
>>> I havnt checked your website for the tutorial you mention.
>> Migration Assistant - 
>> <http://www.ronnibrown.net/tutorials/migration-assistant-transfe/index.html>
>>> I dont have a FW800 to Thunderbolt connector, but will contact the apple 
>>> shop in Busso to see if they have one, otherwise I will need to order one. 
>>> Bummer about that as I could have ordered one with the iMac!
>> You have not mentioned which MacBook Pro you are going to be migrating from 
>> -  If your MBP has a Thunderbolt Port you can use a Thunderbolt cable to 
>> connect MBP to iMac and use Setup Assistant - Migration Assistant - in 
>> Firewire Target Disk Mode.
>>> Im a bit confused about a few things;
>>> You mention I have to update my 'non-generic apps and add-ons' in Snow 
>>> leopard before doing anything. 
>>> I assume that running Software update only does the Mac (generic) apps for 
>>> the OS (Snow Leopard), and I have to actually run each non-generic app (ie 
>>> PS6, Lr, Office etc etc) and then check for updates, is that right?
>> Software Update only does Apple generic applications... You check for 
>> updates of non-generic applications & add-ons before you do the Transfer to 
>> your new Mavericks iMac -  My tutorial that I will send you "offlist" 
>> explains this.
>>> Will these updates mean that they should run on Mavericks when I transfer 
>>> them over to the iMac?
>> NO... but you can check on the link that is included in my Tutorial whether 
>> they are compatible with Mavericks.
>>> For Lr4 I have the latest version (V 4.4) but did download Lr5 about 6 
>>> months ago only to realise afterwards that it only runs on Mavericks!! So 
>>> with this software I might be in a jam, as Im not sure if my Lr4 catalogues 
>>> will go over to the imac before I install Lr5 on it?
>> Adobe Lr4 is compatible with Mavericks 
>>> I dont run Time Machine at the moment but I think I should do that once I 
>>> have the iMac up and running as I have upgraded the machine to the i7 
>>> processor and a 3tb Fusion drive in anticipation of the huge number of 
>>> images I have, both for my whale research and photography! All my data and 
>>> images are on 3x3tb external HD backups with one always offsite in the Bank 
>>> vault!!
>> GOOD! As long as you keep current good backups. I have a good Backup 
>> Strategy in place (which I have mentioned numerous times on WAMUG ;-) 
>>> I will still be using my MBPro mainly for my whale research data analysis 
>>> when out of the office and offshore for work.
>>> I gather there are issues with the Mail app on Mavericks as others have 
>>> experienced?
>> I have not encountered the issues that others have experienced. And when I 
>> did the Transfer & Setup (similar to what you are going to do from SL to ML) 
>> for a client we did not experience any problems at all. If you do the 
>> correct preparation and do the correct 'After' starting up the first time in 
>> either ML or Mavericks you should not experience any real problems...you 
>> might need to make some adjustments but that should be all.
>> You can't rush an upgrade!
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>>> Many thanks once again Ronni and I will follow your directions in your 
>>> previous email.
>>> Best regards
>>> Chris
>>> PS Just had a txt from Apple saying it is due here today, not tomorrow!! 
>>> Amazing as it has been extremely rough weather down here this morning!
>>> Christopher L.K. Burton
>>> Director
>>> Western Whale Research
>>> PO Box 1076
>>> Dunsborough WA 6281
>>> Mobile: 0419 199 120
>>> Email: c...@it.net.au 
>>> www.souwest.org
>>> On 06/07/2014, at 11:31 AM, Ronni Brown wrote:
>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>> When your new iMac arrives... resist the urge to boot it up... DON'T start 
>>>> the new iMac. 
>>>> It is preferred that migration be performed the first time you boot up a 
>>>> new Mac when Setup Assistant opens.
>>>> Then - If you have updated your Non-Generic Applications and Add-Ons in 
>>>> Snow Leopard.
>>>> A. The Final Steps you need to do before shutting down your old MBP Snow 
>>>> Leopard for the Transfer & Setup to New iMac
>>>> You have already updated your Non-Generic Applications and Add-Ons in Snow 
>>>> Leopard (as many as possible).
>>>> 1. Clean Up the Desktop:
>>>> File everything that is on your Desktop to the appropriate locations on 
>>>> your Mac.                                                                  
>>>>                                           You can leave anything important 
>>>> you are working on and need to have on the Desktop.
>>>> 2. Run Software Update and install everything it shows 
>>>> 3. Open Disk Utility and 'Repair Permissions' on your Volume
>>>> 4. Run a Final Time Machine Backup                                         
>>>>                                                    When it completes the 
>>>> backup                                                                     
>>>>                                                         Eject and 
>>>> disconnect the TM Backup Drive
>>>> 5. Turn Time Machine OFF in System Preferences > Time Machine
>>>> 6. Do any other Backups (Bootable Clone Backup)
>>>> 7. Disconnect all external drives & devices connected to your iMac
>>>> 8. Shut Down OLD iMac 
>>>> B. How to Use Migration Assistant to Transfer from old Mac (FW800) to a 
>>>> new Mac (Thunderbolt) using Thunderbolt to Firewire in Target Disk Mode.
>>>> You might find my Tutorial helpful.  
>>>> <http://ronnibrown.net/tutorials/migration-assistant-transfe/index.html>
>>>> C. Note: After completing the Transfer of all your Users / Applications / 
>>>> Settings  etc and your new iMac boots into Mavericks.
>>>> You will need to update Apple Application Databases.
>>>> What to do after installation of Lion-Mountain Lion-or Mavericks completes 
>>>> and your Mac restarts
>>>> Spotlight
>>>> 1. In most cases, as soon as Lion or Mountain Lion or Mavericks starts up 
>>>> the first time, Spotlight begins indexing (or re-indexing) all the files 
>>>> on all mounted volumes.
>>>> This process can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, 
>>>> depending on how many files you have and the speed of your CPU and disk.
>>>> During this time, you’ll notice a lot of disk activity (along with, 
>>>> perhaps, somewhat sluggish overall performance), and you’ll see a pulsing 
>>>> dot in the centre of Spotlight’s magnifying glass icon on the right side 
>>>> of your menu bar. (Clicking this icon during indexing displays an estimate 
>>>> of the time remaining for each volume.)
>>>> Software Update
>>>> 2. After Spotlight has finished indexing the Volume: Run Software Update
>>>> The next thing you should do is to update Mac OS X itself (and any other 
>>>> crucial Apple software) to the latest version. Sometimes Apple releases 
>>>> bug fixes and security updates almost immediately after a major upgrade, 
>>>> and if any such urgent updates are available, it’s in your best interest 
>>>> to install them right away.
>>>> Shortly after your Mac starts up under Lion / Mountain Lion / Mavericks 
>>>> for the first time, Software Update should run automatically; if it finds 
>>>> updated software, it displays an alert “Software updates are available for 
>>>> your computer......”
>>>> If Software Update does not run, choose Apple  > Software Update. 
>>>> Software Update checks if a newer version of Mac OS X (or any of the 
>>>> software installed with it) is available—and if so, offers to download and 
>>>> install it.
>>>> Repair Permissions
>>>> 3. Repair Permissions
>>>> Let Apple Applications Update their Databases
>>>> 4. Open Apple Mail from the Applications folder and let it update the Mail 
>>>> Database 
>>>> 5. Open iPhoto from the Applications folder and let it update the iPhoto 
>>>> Database 
>>>> 6. Open iTunes from the Applications folder and let it update the database
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ronni
>>>> On 5 Jul 2014, at 9:42 am, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>>> Did you use my Tutorial mentioned in my previous email below and have 
>>>>> done the Preparations:
>>>>>>> How To Check Your Applications Are Compatible With Mavericks' - 
>>>>>>> 'Explanation of 'Classic', 'Power PC', 'Intel' & Universal' 
>>>>>>> Applications - 'Clean Up Your Computer' - 'Check for 
>>>>>>> Mavericks-Compatible Update to Third-Party Software'.
>>>>> IF you have already updated your Non-Generic Applications and Add-Ons in 
>>>>> Snow Leopard (or as many as possible).
>>>>> I can give further details from my tutorials or send you the Tutorials 
>>>>> "Offlist".
>>>>> 1. The Final Steps you need to do before shutting down your old Mac Snow 
>>>>> Leopard for the Transfer & Setup to New iMac.
>>>>> 2. How to Use Migration Assistant to Transfer from old Mac (FW800) to a 
>>>>> new Mac (Thunderbolt) using Thunderbolt to Firewire in Target Disk Mode.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ronni
>>>>> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
>>>>> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
>>>>> OS X 10.9.4 Mavericks
>>>>> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
>>>>> On 5 Jul 2014, at 8:30 am, Chris Burton <c...@it.net.au> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi WA Muggers
>>>>>> I hope everyone is well this very foggy Saturday morning (down south!).
>>>>>> I have 'bitten the bullet' and purchased a new iMac, hopefully arriving 
>>>>>> this coming week. This machine will be my main image processing machine 
>>>>>> and my trusty MBPro will be my travel and whale work machine.
>>>>>> However I would like to ask you what is the best way to transfer both my 
>>>>>> data and applications from my MBPro to the new iMac as I havnt done this 
>>>>>> for a long time. I recall there was a 'transfer' operation but I cant 
>>>>>> remember how?
>>>>>> I need to get all my images over as well as PS6, Lightroom and Office 
>>>>>> 11. I did check that these apps will run on Mavericks. Im also expecting 
>>>>>> a learning curve with Mavericks compared with 10.6.8!!
>>>>>> Many thanks for any advice.
>>>>>> Best regards to all
>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>> Christopher L.K. Burton
>>>>>> Director
>>>>>> Western Whale Research
>>>>>> PO Box 1076
>>>>>> Dunsborough WA 6281
>>>>>> Mobile: 0419 199 120
>>>>>> Email: c...@it.net.au 
>>>>>> www.souwest.org
>>>>>> On 29/05/2014, at 9:51 AM, Ronni Brown wrote:
>>>>>>> On 29 May 2014, at 8:46 am, Chris Burton <c...@it.net.au> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Ronni
>>>>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>>>>>> Thankyou so much for your very informative description on why and how 
>>>>>>>> to clean up the Desktop, it was very useful for me and now I know why 
>>>>>>>> I should keep it clean.
>>>>>>>> In regards to your comments on using various apps with Mavericks, I 
>>>>>>>> recall sometime ago you mentioning a website that provides info on 
>>>>>>>> which apps will or will not work, is that right? If so could you 
>>>>>>>> please let me know what that is. Im hoping that PS6 and Lr4 will work 
>>>>>>>> at a minimum for me (although I did buy Lr5 last year and I know it 
>>>>>>>> does, but unfortunately doesnt work on 10.6.8!).
>>>>>>> I have the link to the website I mentioned some time ago is in my 
>>>>>>> Tutorial. I recommend you read my 6 Page Tutorial "Prepare For & 
>>>>>>> Installation of Mavericks OS X 10.9" which gives you all the 
>>>>>>> information required to have a successful Mavericks installation.
>>>>>>> The Tutorial explains the preparation you need to do before installing 
>>>>>>> - how to install the Mavericks upgrade - then what you need to do 
>>>>>>> immediately after installation of Mavericks completes and your Mac 
>>>>>>> restarts.
>>>>>>> How To Prepare for Mavericks:
>>>>>>>  'Can Your Mac Run Mavericks' - 'How To Check Your Applications Are 
>>>>>>> Compatible With Mavericks' - 'Explanation of 'Classic', 'Power PC', 
>>>>>>> 'Intel' & Universal' Applications - 'Clean Up Your Computer' - 'Check 
>>>>>>> for Mavericks-Compatible Update to Third-Party Software'.
>>>>>>> Installing Mavericks OS X 10.9 and then What To Do After Installation 
>>>>>>> of Mavericks Completes And Your Mac Restarts.
>>>>>>> I have not uploaded this Tutorial to my Website, but if any member 
>>>>>>> wishes to have a copy email me "Offlist" and I will email the PDF to 
>>>>>>> you.
>>>>>>> Please note that I would appreciate a donation for my Tutorial. You 
>>>>>>> would appreciate that these Tutorials take a lot of my time and I do a 
>>>>>>> lot of 'Free' work for WAMUG members (as others also do) and have given 
>>>>>>> my Tutorials freely as well. There are a few members who have kindly 
>>>>>>> donated for some of my previous Tutorials which I very much 
>>>>>>> appreciated. 
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Ronni
>>>>>>> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
>>>>>>> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
>>>>>>> OS X 10.9.3 Mavericks
>>>>>>> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

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