Hi Ronni

I would really like to thank you very much for your advice and tutorials on the 
migration from my mbpro to the new imac.

I was able to complete the migration process yesterday without a hitch (taking 
just over 5hrs using the thunderbolt cable), and I am so impressed with the 
imac; what a great piece of technology...although I think I need a bigger desk!!

I recall that you had mentioned that using Time machine as a very good backup 
system and i would like to try it (I havnt used it before), however Im not sure 
how to begin as I already use three external 3tb drives which each contain 
about 2tb of all my data and images etc, being more than what I have on my imac 
(about 500gb from my MBPro).

I thought that I could use one of these external 3tb drives and begin by doing 
a back-up of the imac on it, and want to know if I should firstly erase that 
drive and start from scratch with the backup, then as I add more files to my 
imac (from the other drives), Time machine would back that up? Or, do I just 
attach it to the imac and let time machine work out which files need to be 
upgraded on the external drive?

I will have a look online and I guess apple also has some resources?

Many thanks for any advice


Christopher L.K. Burton
Western Whale Research
PO Box 1076
Dunsborough WA 6281
Mobile: 0419 199 120
Email: c...@it.net.au 

On 07/07/2014, at 5:20 PM, Chris Burton wrote:

> Hi Ronni
> I have downloaded Appcleaner to assist with the uninstalls for any apps that 
> need it. Would it be right to uninstall those that are 'classic' and ' 
> PowerPC' in addition to the 'intel' apps that I dont really need any more? If 
> so I could use the list shown by the System Profiler, sort by kind then use 
> Appcleaner to uninstall? Would that be right?
> Many thanks again
> Chris
> Christopher L.K. Burton
> Director
> Western Whale Research
> PO Box 1076
> Dunsborough WA 6281
> Mobile: 0419 199 120
> Email: c...@it.net.au 
> www.souwest.org
> On 07/07/2014, at 1:52 PM, Ronni Brown wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> My comments in situ below
>> On 7 Jul 2014, at 12:11 pm, Chris Burton <c...@it.net.au> wrote:
>>> Hi Ronni
>>> Thanks so much for your very helpful reply email, and my apologies for the 
>>> delay, I have been just flat out with some work finally arriving after a 
>>> long 14 mnths!
>>> I have a couple of questions and comments for you;
>>> I cant find your 'offlist' email, so can you send it to me please Ronni?
>> I will email to you "Offlist" (as WAMUG does not allow attachments to be 
>> included in emails), my 'Tutorial Prepare For Mavericks' which I mentioned 
>> previously.
>>> I havnt checked your website for the tutorial you mention.
>> Migration Assistant - 
>> <http://www.ronnibrown.net/tutorials/migration-assistant-transfe/index.html>
>>> I dont have a FW800 to Thunderbolt connector, but will contact the apple 
>>> shop in Busso to see if they have one, otherwise I will need to order one. 
>>> Bummer about that as I could have ordered one with the iMac!
>> You have not mentioned which MacBook Pro you are going to be migrating from 
>> -  If your MBP has a Thunderbolt Port you can use a Thunderbolt cable to 
>> connect MBP to iMac and use Setup Assistant - Migration Assistant - in 
>> Firewire Target Disk Mode.
>>> Im a bit confused about a few things;
>>> You mention I have to update my 'non-generic apps and add-ons' in Snow 
>>> leopard before doing anything. 
>>> I assume that running Software update only does the Mac (generic) apps for 
>>> the OS (Snow Leopard), and I have to actually run each non-generic app (ie 
>>> PS6, Lr, Office etc etc) and then check for updates, is that right?
>> Software Update only does Apple generic applications... You check for 
>> updates of non-generic applications & add-ons before you do the Transfer to 
>> your new Mavericks iMac -  My tutorial that I will send you "offlist" 
>> explains this.
>>> Will these updates mean that they should run on Mavericks when I transfer 
>>> them over to the iMac?
>> NO... but you can check on the link that is included in my Tutorial whether 
>> they are compatible with Mavericks.
>>> For Lr4 I have the latest version (V 4.4) but did download Lr5 about 6 
>>> months ago only to realise afterwards that it only runs on Mavericks!! So 
>>> with this software I might be in a jam, as Im not sure if my Lr4 catalogues 
>>> will go over to the imac before I install Lr5 on it?
>> Adobe Lr4 is compatible with Mavericks 
>>> I dont run Time Machine at the moment but I think I should do that once I 
>>> have the iMac up and running as I have upgraded the machine to the i7 
>>> processor and a 3tb Fusion drive in anticipation of the huge number of 
>>> images I have, both for my whale research and photography! All my data and 
>>> images are on 3x3tb external HD backups with one always offsite in the Bank 
>>> vault!!
>> GOOD! As long as you keep current good backups. I have a good Backup 
>> Strategy in place (which I have mentioned numerous times on WAMUG ;-) 
>>> I will still be using my MBPro mainly for my whale research data analysis 
>>> when out of the office and offshore for work.
>>> I gather there are issues with the Mail app on Mavericks as others have 
>>> experienced?
>> I have not encountered the issues that others have experienced. And when I 
>> did the Transfer & Setup (similar to what you are going to do from SL to ML) 
>> for a client we did not experience any problems at all. If you do the 
>> correct preparation and do the correct 'After' starting up the first time in 
>> either ML or Mavericks you should not experience any real problems...you 
>> might need to make some adjustments but that should be all.
>> You can't rush an upgrade!
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>>> Many thanks once again Ronni and I will follow your directions in your 
>>> previous email.
>>> Best regards
>>> Chris
>>> PS Just had a txt from Apple saying it is due here today, not tomorrow!! 
>>> Amazing as it has been extremely rough weather down here this morning!
>>> Christopher L.K. Burton
>>> Director
>>> Western Whale Research
>>> PO Box 1076
>>> Dunsborough WA 6281
>>> Mobile: 0419 199 120
>>> Email: c...@it.net.au 
>>> www.souwest.org
>>> On 06/07/2014, at 11:31 AM, Ronni Brown wrote:
>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>> When your new iMac arrives... resist the urge to boot it up... DON'T start 
>>>> the new iMac. 
>>>> It is preferred that migration be performed the first time you boot up a 
>>>> new Mac when Setup Assistant opens.
>>>> Then - If you have updated your Non-Generic Applications and Add-Ons in 
>>>> Snow Leopard.
>>>> A. The Final Steps you need to do before shutting down your old MBP Snow 
>>>> Leopard for the Transfer & Setup to New iMac
>>>> You have already updated your Non-Generic Applications and Add-Ons in Snow 
>>>> Leopard (as many as possible).
>>>> 1. Clean Up the Desktop:
>>>> File everything that is on your Desktop to the appropriate locations on 
>>>> your Mac.                                                                  
>>>>                                           You can leave anything important 
>>>> you are working on and need to have on the Desktop.
>>>> 2. Run Software Update and install everything it shows 
>>>> 3. Open Disk Utility and 'Repair Permissions' on your Volume
>>>> 4. Run a Final Time Machine Backup                                         
>>>>                                                    When it completes the 
>>>> backup                                                                     
>>>>                                                         Eject and 
>>>> disconnect the TM Backup Drive
>>>> 5. Turn Time Machine OFF in System Preferences > Time Machine
>>>> 6. Do any other Backups (Bootable Clone Backup)
>>>> 7. Disconnect all external drives & devices connected to your iMac
>>>> 8. Shut Down OLD iMac 
>>>> B. How to Use Migration Assistant to Transfer from old Mac (FW800) to a 
>>>> new Mac (Thunderbolt) using Thunderbolt to Firewire in Target Disk Mode.
>>>> You might find my Tutorial helpful.  
>>>> <http://ronnibrown.net/tutorials/migration-assistant-transfe/index.html>
>>>> C. Note: After completing the Transfer of all your Users / Applications / 
>>>> Settings  etc and your new iMac boots into Mavericks.
>>>> You will need to update Apple Application Databases.
>>>> What to do after installation of Lion-Mountain Lion-or Mavericks completes 
>>>> and your Mac restarts
>>>> Spotlight
>>>> 1. In most cases, as soon as Lion or Mountain Lion or Mavericks starts up 
>>>> the first time, Spotlight begins indexing (or re-indexing) all the files 
>>>> on all mounted volumes.
>>>> This process can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, 
>>>> depending on how many files you have and the speed of your CPU and disk.
>>>> During this time, you’ll notice a lot of disk activity (along with, 
>>>> perhaps, somewhat sluggish overall performance), and you’ll see a pulsing 
>>>> dot in the centre of Spotlight’s magnifying glass icon on the right side 
>>>> of your menu bar. (Clicking this icon during indexing displays an estimate 
>>>> of the time remaining for each volume.)
>>>> Software Update
>>>> 2. After Spotlight has finished indexing the Volume: Run Software Update
>>>> The next thing you should do is to update Mac OS X itself (and any other 
>>>> crucial Apple software) to the latest version. Sometimes Apple releases 
>>>> bug fixes and security updates almost immediately after a major upgrade, 
>>>> and if any such urgent updates are available, it’s in your best interest 
>>>> to install them right away.
>>>> Shortly after your Mac starts up under Lion / Mountain Lion / Mavericks 
>>>> for the first time, Software Update should run automatically; if it finds 
>>>> updated software, it displays an alert “Software updates are available for 
>>>> your computer......”
>>>> If Software Update does not run, choose Apple  > Software Update. 
>>>> Software Update checks if a newer version of Mac OS X (or any of the 
>>>> software installed with it) is available—and if so, offers to download and 
>>>> install it.
>>>> Repair Permissions
>>>> 3. Repair Permissions
>>>> Let Apple Applications Update their Databases
>>>> 4. Open Apple Mail from the Applications folder and let it update the Mail 
>>>> Database 
>>>> 5. Open iPhoto from the Applications folder and let it update the iPhoto 
>>>> Database 
>>>> 6. Open iTunes from the Applications folder and let it update the database
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ronni
>>>> On 5 Jul 2014, at 9:42 am, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>>> Did you use my Tutorial mentioned in my previous email below and have 
>>>>> done the Preparations:
>>>>>>> How To Check Your Applications Are Compatible With Mavericks' - 
>>>>>>> 'Explanation of 'Classic', 'Power PC', 'Intel' & Universal' 
>>>>>>> Applications - 'Clean Up Your Computer' - 'Check for 
>>>>>>> Mavericks-Compatible Update to Third-Party Software'.
>>>>> IF you have already updated your Non-Generic Applications and Add-Ons in 
>>>>> Snow Leopard (or as many as possible).
>>>>> I can give further details from my tutorials or send you the Tutorials 
>>>>> "Offlist".
>>>>> 1. The Final Steps you need to do before shutting down your old Mac Snow 
>>>>> Leopard for the Transfer & Setup to New iMac.
>>>>> 2. How to Use Migration Assistant to Transfer from old Mac (FW800) to a 
>>>>> new Mac (Thunderbolt) using Thunderbolt to Firewire in Target Disk Mode.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ronni
>>>>> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
>>>>> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
>>>>> OS X 10.9.4 Mavericks
>>>>> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
>>>>> On 5 Jul 2014, at 8:30 am, Chris Burton <c...@it.net.au> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi WA Muggers
>>>>>> I hope everyone is well this very foggy Saturday morning (down south!).
>>>>>> I have 'bitten the bullet' and purchased a new iMac, hopefully arriving 
>>>>>> this coming week. This machine will be my main image processing machine 
>>>>>> and my trusty MBPro will be my travel and whale work machine.
>>>>>> However I would like to ask you what is the best way to transfer both my 
>>>>>> data and applications from my MBPro to the new iMac as I havnt done this 
>>>>>> for a long time. I recall there was a 'transfer' operation but I cant 
>>>>>> remember how?
>>>>>> I need to get all my images over as well as PS6, Lightroom and Office 
>>>>>> 11. I did check that these apps will run on Mavericks. Im also expecting 
>>>>>> a learning curve with Mavericks compared with 10.6.8!!
>>>>>> Many thanks for any advice.
>>>>>> Best regards to all
>>>>>> Chris
>>>>>> Christopher L.K. Burton
>>>>>> Director
>>>>>> Western Whale Research
>>>>>> PO Box 1076
>>>>>> Dunsborough WA 6281
>>>>>> Mobile: 0419 199 120
>>>>>> Email: c...@it.net.au 
>>>>>> www.souwest.org
>>>>>> On 29/05/2014, at 9:51 AM, Ronni Brown wrote:
>>>>>>> On 29 May 2014, at 8:46 am, Chris Burton <c...@it.net.au> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Ronni
>>>>>>> Hi Chris,
>>>>>>>> Thankyou so much for your very informative description on why and how 
>>>>>>>> to clean up the Desktop, it was very useful for me and now I know why 
>>>>>>>> I should keep it clean.
>>>>>>>> In regards to your comments on using various apps with Mavericks, I 
>>>>>>>> recall sometime ago you mentioning a website that provides info on 
>>>>>>>> which apps will or will not work, is that right? If so could you 
>>>>>>>> please let me know what that is. Im hoping that PS6 and Lr4 will work 
>>>>>>>> at a minimum for me (although I did buy Lr5 last year and I know it 
>>>>>>>> does, but unfortunately doesnt work on 10.6.8!).
>>>>>>> I have the link to the website I mentioned some time ago is in my 
>>>>>>> Tutorial. I recommend you read my 6 Page Tutorial "Prepare For & 
>>>>>>> Installation of Mavericks OS X 10.9" which gives you all the 
>>>>>>> information required to have a successful Mavericks installation.
>>>>>>> The Tutorial explains the preparation you need to do before installing 
>>>>>>> - how to install the Mavericks upgrade - then what you need to do 
>>>>>>> immediately after installation of Mavericks completes and your Mac 
>>>>>>> restarts.
>>>>>>> How To Prepare for Mavericks:
>>>>>>>  'Can Your Mac Run Mavericks' - 'How To Check Your Applications Are 
>>>>>>> Compatible With Mavericks' - 'Explanation of 'Classic', 'Power PC', 
>>>>>>> 'Intel' & Universal' Applications - 'Clean Up Your Computer' - 'Check 
>>>>>>> for Mavericks-Compatible Update to Third-Party Software'.
>>>>>>> Installing Mavericks OS X 10.9 and then What To Do After Installation 
>>>>>>> of Mavericks Completes And Your Mac Restarts.
>>>>>>> I have not uploaded this Tutorial to my Website, but if any member 
>>>>>>> wishes to have a copy email me "Offlist" and I will email the PDF to 
>>>>>>> you.
>>>>>>> Please note that I would appreciate a donation for my Tutorial. You 
>>>>>>> would appreciate that these Tutorials take a lot of my time and I do a 
>>>>>>> lot of 'Free' work for WAMUG members (as others also do) and have given 
>>>>>>> my Tutorials freely as well. There are a few members who have kindly 
>>>>>>> donated for some of my previous Tutorials which I very much 
>>>>>>> appreciated. 
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Ronni
>>>>>>> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
>>>>>>> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
>>>>>>> OS X 10.9.3 Mavericks
>>>>>>> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
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