Hi Peter,

Is this solved now?
I'm trying to clear out a backlog of WAMUG emails I've replied to but have not 
received an update on the result.


Sent from Ronni's iPad4

> On 30 Jul 2014, at 9:46 pm, Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
> Oops, yes you're right, sorry. I got up at midnight last night to head off to 
> my work thinking it was 0530!  I think I need a software update.
> I hope to revert with successful response sometime soon :)
> Regards
> Pete
>> On 30 Jul 2014, at 9:35 pm, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> I thought my original instructions were easy to follow.
>> Because you have the photo/s you want to use as your desktop image in an 
>> iPhoto library on an external drive... You need to create a new Folder, name 
>> it My Desktop Images and place the images you want to use as your Desktop in 
>> that folder... and place the folder in your Home > Pictures Folder on your 
>> Mac.
>> Then follow my instructions below.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>>> On 30 Jul 2014, at 9:11 pm, Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>>> Hi Ronni, whilst I'm a bit delayed in responding, finally had a chance to 
>>> look at his tonight. Within the 'Pictures' folder I don't have a sub-folder 
>>> called My Desktop Images. All I have is 'Apple TV photo cache' and iChat 
>>> icons as folders.
>>> Maybe there is a folder elsewhere?
>>> Regards
>>> Pete
>>>> On 17 Jun 2014, at 7:17 am, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>> If your wallpaper changes back to default after reboot or after logout it 
>>>> is because the wallpaper you set is on another drive and this drive loads 
>>>> after your settings are loaded.
>>>> Lion / Mountain Lion/ Mavericks does not save your wallpaper on the native 
>>>> HDD, rather tries to load the wallpaper from the original HDD, only the 
>>>> path to the wallpaper is saved in the OS X settings.
>>>> When your OS X boots up it does not find the path to your wallpaper since 
>>>> the HDD you've saved your wallpapers in has not mounted yet.
>>>> One basic solution for this is to save your wallpapers in the HDD where 
>>>> you've installed the Mac OS X
>>>> 1. Create a new folder, called My Desktop Images within the~/[Your user 
>>>> name]/Pictures folder.
>>>> 2. Open a new Finder window and navigate to ~/[Your user name]/Pictures/My 
>>>> Desktop Images
>>>> 3. Navigate to  > System Preferences > Desktop & Screen Saver and ensure 
>>>> that the Desktop button is selected.
>>>> 4. With Finder open, drag the My Desktop Images folder to the Desktop & 
>>>> Screen saver system preferences pane. When you see a white plus symbol 
>>>> inside a green circle, release the mouse and the folder will be added.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ronni
>>>> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>>>>> On 17 Jun 2014, at 6:46 am, Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>>>>> Hi there, I have a recurring minor thing occurring with my new 2014 13" 
>>>>> Retina MBP. I use an external drive to hold my iPhoto library and I 
>>>>> usually select a photo from the iPhoto library as a desktop picture.
>>>>> Whenever I next reboot the MBP, the desktop image reverts to the default 
>>>>> Mavericks Wave picture. It's a nice picture, but I want MY picture. I 
>>>>> keep the external drive attached even during reboot but the order of 
>>>>> activities during boot up may not see it until after it has set the 
>>>>> screen picture. I'd have thought that OSX would 'localise' the image 
>>>>> selected in a C:/ folder separated from the iPhoto library at the point 
>>>>> when the image is selected as the desktop image and it would be there for 
>>>>> use at all times.
>>>>> Any clues how I can intervene on this default picture? 
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Pete
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