Paid my membership...but Westpac has changed and I couldn't figure how to
add a description!

I sent off email with pdf attached and will come to the AGM on Sunday

Rosemary Spark

Rosemary Spark
PO Box 781
South Fremantle WA 6162 Australia
Phone: + 61 8 94336609
Mobile: 0414268043

On 1 March 2015 at 12:04, Maureen Smith <> wrote:

> Hello Wonderful WAMUGgers,
> Please take the time to read this ‘bulletin.’ Below are three items of
> importance that concern us all.
> Thank you to all the members who have paid their dues.  Financial
> membership of WAMUG allows members to post queries to the list and to
> receive advice and information.  Your $30 subscription runs for the
> calendar year from 1 January to 31 December.  We are now in the third month
> of this year and it is time to review the membership list to ensure that
> paid-up members have the privileges they are entitled to.  If you have
> already paid your membership you have nothing to worry about.  Everything
> is 'hunky-dory.’
> If you are reading this, or you know of somebody who wishes to avail
> themselves of expert advice and list camaraderie, please *ensure that the
> $30 membership is finalised by **Thursday, 5 March.*  Extra details are
> our website.
> Again, thanks to all those who have already supported a wonderful
> organisation.
> *2 AGM*
> Many of you will be aware that over the last few years we have struggled
> to get a quorum at out AGM.   According to our constitution we require 20%
> of our membership or 15 members ( whichever is less) to be present at the
> AGM if it is to be viable.  The actual AGM only takes about 10 minutes and
> includes a summary from the committee, the election of office bearers and
> the Treasurer’s report.
> This year we are trying something new in the hope that it will allow more
> members to attend. * Our AGM will be held at the Dome Cafe,  897 Albany
> Highway East Victoria Park at 12:30 PM on Sunday 8th March. *After the
> AGM part, we invite  you will stay, order some lunch, chat & socialise.
> This is another chance to match faces to list names.  Family members and
> significant others are welcome to attend but only paid up members can vote
> at the AGM.
> So give yourself a break from the Sunday roast and come, socialise and
> vote.
> In order to provide Dome with the number of attendees, please email me off
> list if you intend to come and if appropriate how many will be accompanying
> you.  It would be appreciated if this information can be given by *6 PM
> on Thursday, 5 March.*
> A few weeks back we called for nominations for committee membership.
> Again, I ask if any person would be willing to join the committee and
> assist in furthering the aims of WAMUG. It would be great to have some ‘new
> blood.’
> The current committee of Peter Hinchlife, Peter Botman, Peter Smith,
> Daniel Kerr, Bernard Barnwell and yours truly, have all nominated for
> 2015.  However, another one or two members would help share the load and we
> would feel less guilty when we have to miss meetings or need time off.
> If you would like to give something back to WAMUG being on the committee
> could be for you. it is not an onerous responsibility and as the old adage
> goes  “Many hands make light work.”  If you have any queries about this
> feel free to email me off list.
> Once again, thank you for all your interest and support. WAMUG only exists
> because you the members contribute and so willingly share your interests
> and knowledge.
> Hope to see many of you at the AGM.
> Cheers everyone,
> Maureen
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