A belated Happy Easter to all WAMUGgers. 

        I hope each and everyone of you have had a relaxing Easter break and
not eaten too much chocolate. Though I don't understand why so many
dieticians say we should restrict our chocolate eating. After all true
chocolate devotees know that chocolate is a vegetable. It comes from
the cocoa bean and beans are veggies.  And are we not being
encouraged to eat more fruit & vegetables??? 


        Thank you to all who attended the AGM at  the Dome in Vic Park.
Although noisy it was great to eat, drink and catch up ... and we had
sufficient numbers to elect our Committee. YAY!!!!

        Thanks to Peter Smith who chaired the meeting and kept things moving.


        * For 2015, your committee members are 
        * Maureen Smith - President
        * Peter Botman - Treasurer
        * Peter Smith
        * Peter Hinchliffe
        * Bernard Barnwell 
        * Daniel Kerr


        The continuing shift to a stronger online presence has resulted in
some aspects of our constitution becoming outdated and failing to
reflect the changes in WAMUG’s growth & direction. Over the next few
months, the committee will look closely at our constitution in the
light of these changes. Some areas of discussion will include online
voting for committee positions as well as looking at the numbered
needed for a quorum. We will keep you informed all the way.
Ultimately, any changes have to be agreed upon by the members. 


        This Tuesday, 7th April, is Easter Tuesday and many organisations are
still on holidays. Bearing this in mind, THIS MONTH’S MEETING HAS
BEEN SHIFTED TO TUESDAY 14TH APRIL. It will still be held at
Professional Prowest Real Estate building, 175 High Road Willeton
starting at 7.30pm. 

        This month’s topics include a look at the new Microsoft Office 2016
which will be released late this year. This release promises complete
feature parity between Windows & Mac. 

        We will also be looking at an alternative to the expensive Adobe,
namely Affinity Designer. This software was selected as runner-up in
Apple's "Best of 2014" list of App Store and iTunes content, in the
Mac app category. It can open PDF, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and
export to those formats as well as SVG and EPS.  

        So, if you are interested in designing or improving graphics for
marketing websites Icons etc, this may be the meeting you should



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