Hello Wonderful WAMUGgers,

Please take the time to read this ‘bulletin.’ Below are three items of 
importance that concern us all.


Thank you to all the members who have paid their dues.  Financial membership of 
WAMUG allows members to post queries to the list and to receive advice and 
information.  Your $30 subscription runs for the calendar year from 1 January 
to 31 December.  We are now in the third month of this year and it is time to 
review the membership list to ensure that paid-up members have the privileges 
they are entitled to.  If you have already paid your membership you have 
nothing to worry about.  Everything is 'hunky-dory.’

If you are reading this, or you know of somebody who wishes to avail themselves 
of expert advice and list camaraderie, please ensure that the $30 membership is 
finalised by Thursday, 5 March.  Extra details are our website.

Again, thanks to all those who have already supported a wonderful organisation.

2       AGM

Many of you will be aware that over the last few years we have struggled to get 
a quorum at out AGM.   According to our constitution we require 20% of our 
membership or 15 members ( whichever is less) to be present at the AGM if it is 
to be viable.  The actual AGM only takes about 10 minutes and includes a 
summary from the committee, the election of office bearers and the Treasurer’s 

This year we are trying something new in the hope that it will allow more 
members to attend.  Our AGM will be held at the Dome Cafe,  897 Albany Highway 
East Victoria Park at 12:30 PM on Sunday 8th March. After the AGM part, we 
invite  you will stay, order some lunch, chat & socialise.

This is another chance to match faces to list names.  Family members and 
significant others are welcome to attend but only paid up members can vote at 
the AGM.

So give yourself a break from the Sunday roast and come, socialise and vote.

In order to provide Dome with the number of attendees, please email me off list 
if you intend to come and if appropriate how many will be accompanying you.  It 
would be appreciated if this information can be given by 6 PM on Thursday, 5 


A few weeks back we called for nominations for committee membership.  Again, I 
ask if any person would be willing to join the committee and assist in 
furthering the aims of WAMUG. It would be great to have some ‘new blood.’ 

The current committee of Peter Hinchlife, Peter Botman, Peter Smith, Daniel 
Kerr, Bernard Barnwell and yours truly, have all nominated for 2015.  However, 
another one or two members would help share the load and we would feel less 
guilty when we have to miss meetings or need time off. 

If you would like to give something back to WAMUG being on the committee could 
be for you. it is not an onerous responsibility and as the old adage goes  
“Many hands make light work.”  If you have any queries about this feel free to 
email me off list.

Once again, thank you for all your interest and support. WAMUG only exists 
because you the members contribute and so willingly share your interests and 
Hope to see many of you at the AGM.

Cheers everyone,

-- The WA Macintosh User Group Mailing List --
Archives - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/archives.shtml>
Guidelines - <http://www.wamug.org.au/mailinglist/guidelines.shtml>
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