Good morning Maureen
I have replied earlier, to say that I would be coming to the AGM today at 12.30 
but I'm afraid I will need to send my apologies instead.  Life is very busy for 
me ATM and other things have come up. I would really liked to have come & shown 
my support for all you wonderful people.  But can I suggest that if you need an 
extra vote on anything, then I'm happy to vote over the phone!!    My number is 
I also received a message from someone else at WAMUG that my $30 subscription 
didn't go through, 2 weeks ago.   It is not showing up on my banking so that 
will be correct - I have been unable to pay.  I just tried again but the bank 
won't allow me to use the Acct name as it's too long.  And unfortunately I 
deleted a heap of emails this morning, one of which I think, was explaining how 
to pay more easily. I have always found it difficult to make WAMUG payments!!   
Seems the web page is in need of an overhaul - wish I could help but don't have 
these skills.
Sincere apologies again
Hope the meeting goes well.
Kind Regards
Denise Williams
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