Has anyone any suggestions on getting Gmail not to put a regular item
in Spam? On most days I receive an update on science news items from
Science Daily, and Gmail insists on putting it into Spam (their spam
detector is pretty good, this particular item is the only one giving

The item comes from:
All Top News -- ScienceDaily<noreply+feedpr...@google.com>
reply-to:All Top News -- ScienceDaily <newslett...@sciencedaily.com>

I have tried putting all combinations of the above into my address
book, but with no effect. Each day I open my Spam list, mark the
Science Daily item "Not Spam", and clear the rest. Every couple of
weeks, when I have marked the item "Not Spam", a message comes up from
the Gmail Spam Team asking if they should take account of this. I
always reply "Yes", and it makes no difference.

I don't suppose there is anywhere I can contact the Gmail Spam Team
directly to get a specific item like this not spammed out?

Cheers, David Noel
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