Hi Peter,

Go to this link
A) Setup iCloud on your Mac
B) Then set up iCloud on your iPhone & iPad

> A further irritation is my wife’s phone (same AppleID) has Contacts, and 
> these are in “my” contacts list on all my devices.

Re: Same Apple IDs 
It's common among families to use the same Apple ID. This means you'll be able 
to download purchased content onto all of the devices associated with that 
Apple ID without paying multiple times.

However, there are times when this can cause unwanted side effects. 
One example is that you might find your contacts and calendars appearing on one 
another's devices. 
This is thanks to iCloud syncing, which aims to sync all of your information 
between devices.

Apple assumes that every Apple ID is being used by just one individual, and 
advises that this should always be the case.

Your Options are:
1. Separate Apple IDs -It is free to do, but you will no longer be able to 
share apps and other media between devices.

2. If that's not an option for you, then you can change the way you use iCloud.
Turn off iCloud Contacts syncing
To prevent contacts from syncing between devices that share the same Apple ID 
and iCloud account, go to Settings > iCloud and make sure Contacts is not 
switched on. If it's on (green) your contacts will be syncing to the cloud, and 
therefore to your partner's device. 
There are other elements here that you can prevent from sharing between devices 
too, including Notes, Calendars and Reminders.

OR 3rd Option which I suggest is your best option
3. Use a different Apple ID for iCloud
There is another option, but it involves setting up a new Apple ID. 
Apple gives iOS users the option to use one Apple ID for iCloud and a different 
one for App Store purchases.
This means you can share your App Store purchases with your family by using the 
same Apple ID for iTunes and the App Store, but keep Contacts, Calendars and 
other iCloud information separate by using different Apple IDs.

If you want to change the Apple ID you use for iCloud on your device, you can 
go to Settings > iCloud and then tap Delete Account at the bottom (unless you 
haven't signed in to iCloud, in which case you can skip that step).
You can then enter the new Apple ID you'd like to use. 
If you haven't yet set up a new Apple ID for iCloud, you can do for free by 
tapping the create new Apple ID button at the bottom of the sign in screen.


> On 25 Jan 2016, at 7:19 PM, Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
> Hi, I have a problem with synchronising of contacts between my iPhone 5S, 
> iPad 2 and Macbook MBP Pro Retina. I did a bit of googling and the more I 
> read, the more I realised I don’t fully understand what would be the required 
> configuration of settings on each device. 
> Currently on my iPhone in Settings>Mail,Contacts,Calendars for Contacts 
> Default Account - I have “on my iPhone” selected. On my iPad in 
> Settings>Mail,Contacts,Calendars for Contacts Default Account - I have “Pete 
> GHD”. selected. GHD is the work email account I have set up on the iPad. On 
> the Macbook, I have iCloud with Contacts “ticked”. I presume all defaults (on 
> the iOS devices) should be set to iCloud. I can make the change on the iOS 
> device settings but will this bring them altogether in the cloud? 
> Can someone who understands this iCloud thing give a recommendation for where 
> I should go with my settings please across the three devices? Maybe I need to 
> provide more information to enable an answer to be accurate. Happy to do that.
> A further irritation is my wife’s phone (same AppleID) has Contacts, and 
> these are in “my” contacts list on all my devices. Not a big challenge but 
> just clutter with unnecessary crossing of contacts between us. Not sure if 
> iCloud can manage contacts lists for multiple people with the same AppleID to 
> be seperate to each other and not cross over like I am experiencing.
> I hope I have made my question and issue clear. All devices are at the 
> current iOS/OSX version.
> Peter Crisp
> petercr...@westnet.com.au <mailto:petercr...@westnet.com.au>

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