Hi, I have a problem with synchronising of contacts between my iPhone 5S, iPad 
2 and Macbook MBP Pro Retina. I did a bit of googling and the more I read, the 
more I realised I don’t fully understand what would be the required 
configuration of settings on each device. 

Currently on my iPhone in Settings>Mail,Contacts,Calendars for Contacts Default 
Account - I have “on my iPhone” selected. On my iPad in 
Settings>Mail,Contacts,Calendars for Contacts Default Account - I have “Pete 
GHD”. selected. GHD is the work email account I have set up on the iPad. On the 
Macbook, I have iCloud with Contacts “ticked”. I presume all defaults (on the 
iOS devices) should be set to iCloud. I can make the change on the iOS device 
settings but will this bring them altogether in the cloud? 

Can someone who understands this iCloud thing give a recommendation for where I 
should go with my settings please across the three devices? Maybe I need to 
provide more information to enable an answer to be accurate. Happy to do that.

A further irritation is my wife’s phone (same AppleID) has Contacts, and these 
are in “my” contacts list on all my devices. Not a big challenge but just 
clutter with unnecessary crossing of contacts between us. Not sure if iCloud 
can manage contacts lists for multiple people with the same AppleID to be 
seperate to each other and not cross over like I am experiencing.

I hope I have made my question and issue clear. All devices are at the current 
iOS/OSX version.

Peter Crisp

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