Hi, recently I had my son’s MBP fail with what I believe was from his 
installation of some third party software which was SMC Fan controller. I am in 
the process of getting myself a replacement Macbook (likely Macbook Air). 
Before the MBP failed I did actually get it to successfully complete a Time 
Machine backup BUT this was with the 3rd party software still in place and 
therefore embedded within the settings. I don’t know where else it may have 
been located within the file structure, but I want to make sure I do not bring 
that SMC Fan Controller back into a replacement MBA. 

During the process of it failing, I managed to mount the HDD via SATA adaptor 
to another MBP and locate and trash the SMC Fan Controller.

I wonder would I be better off trying to selectively drag/drop data from the 
HDD when mounted via SATA adaptor or would it be more ‘complete’ if I used 
Migration Assistant  to use an Ethernet connection to restore data from the TM 
backup but carefully select what I restore so as not to bring back the 
‘infected’ settings. 

It is my 14YO son after all and it’s not like he has lots of important data to 
restore either. Main things I can think of are iTunes library, Photos library. 
My preference is Migration Assistant for the completeness of how it doe it all. 
Maybe there is a part MA and part manual drag/drop.

Is there some other way I can test the HDD contents in a SATA mounted state and 
verify before doing the actual migration to a replacement MBA?


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