Hello, all, 
Many thanks to all who wrote back with suggestions — Diana, Susan, Peter, Tim, 
Neil. I can log into the computer now. I rang Apple this morning, and was 
passed through several people to an Apple technician. After he had tried making 
a few new passwords, and getting the same result as me (in other words — they 
didn’t work), he guided me through a process using Terminal, and we finally 
arriived at the fix. It took about 2 hours to get there, an ordeal. 

But the news is not all good. All my settings and a lot of personal stuff (Key 
Chain!) is gone, It seems I have to argue with bossy applications to replace 
the info into them. My 3 Mail accounts persistently rejected having the proper 
Mail passwords replaced several times. 

I don’t have Time Machine, just a very large backup hard disk and Super Duper. 
I do not see any of the Key Chain data — does Super Duper hide it anywhere? If 
it is not there, I’m going to have a hard time.

Apple's automated guide to retrieving passwords needs some urgent improvement. 
It is impossible in places to know just which password is to be retrieved: thel 
log-in name or Apple ID. In my case, it was the password specifically to start 
the computer.

And I will not be changing the new password any time soon.

Thanks again,

> On 21 Nov 2018, at 07:17, Diana & Graham Stevens <diag...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> Hi Pat
> Why don’t you ring Apple support. They solved my password problem when I got 
> no answers. I rang in the late afternoon and got through very quickly. The 
> man also sent me the URL so I could find it again plus some other useful URLs.
> Good luck
> Diana
> Sent from my iPad
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