Hi Alan, yes that is possibly a good way to go. A further thinking on
this just now you jogged my thoughts. Is to establish a new 'clean'
backup file (rename the old one to break the link - not sure if TM is
clever enough to detect if the renamed file is in fact still the
backup file it will want to default backup to) of the MBA SSD only
(being sure to exclude the attached external drive using Options from
the backup routine). Then use MA to restore that new backup to the Mac
Mini with confidence you know it is only the MBA data restored and not
a conglomeration of the MBA + external drive data onto the Mac Mini.
Then just transfer the external drive to the mac Mini USB and then
create another new TM backup with the external drive INCLUDED in the
routine. This will of course will leave the history non-existent from
the previous backup - may or may not be important to you. 

----- Original Message -----
From: wamug@wamug.org.au
To:"WAMUG Mailing List" 
Sent:Wed, 8 May 2019 12:25:58 +0800
Subject:Re: System migration to new computer

 Thanks for your thoughts Peter (C)
Current idea is now to remove the data drive via Time Machine
preferences and run a few days of plain MBA SSD backups.  The HOPE is
that Migration Assistant would allow a TM backup from a specified date
and therefore copy just the latest 150GB or whatever.   May even try
adding a third TM backup drive to create a “pure” SSD source for
initial migration with a short date range, while the other TM drives
are temporarily removed. Then, as Peter (H) said, try it!  

On 8 May 2019, at 9:34 am, petercr...@westnet.com.au [1] wrote:
Hi Peter and Alan. This is a conundrum I have yet to encounter but I
had wondered how I would do it if I ever had to. I have a similar
environment where I have an MBP (256GB SSD) and a 2TB external drive
holding Photos library, iTunes library and an assortment of other
foldered items. My external drive is INCLUDED in the back up to Time
Capsule. I also periodically do a CCC backup of both the MBP and
External drive too for some added protection. 
What I have observed, during a trial I did a few months back, is when
using the recovery process from the TM backup, if I was to try and
recover a file that was resident on the external drive, then I must
have the external drive attached to the MBP for it to be reinstated
back to. Conversely, if I were to not have the external drive attached
to my MBP, when I try to do a recovery of a file that was on the
external drive, then the ability to see the image of the backed up
external drive to select a file to recover is not made available. It
follows therefore (I think) that if I was to try and recover the
entire external drive using TM, then I would need to have that drive
attached in the destination of where I was trying to recover it to. 
A suggestion to think about before implementing anything. If you were
to use Migration Assistant to restore the backup of the on-board SSD
content ONLY from the TM backup to the Mac Mini (with the external
drive NOT attached to the Mac Mini), then it would follow that only
the on-board SSD backed up content from the MBA would be recovered
onto the Mac Mini 256GB SSD. If you then were to attach the external
drive to the Mac Mini, then you are back in the same place you were
previously - the Mac Mini is a clone of the Macbook Air and the
external drive is now moved over to the Mac Mini. Another of my
observations is that the first time that Time Machine does a backup of
this new configuration, it will create a new backup of the ENTIRE SSD
+ the ENTIRE external drive, even though the content is the very same
content. This has the undesirable effect of bloating the backup file
and you may run out of space on it. Maybe there is a clever way to
make it recognise it's backing up stuff it has already backed up, so
only does an incremental backup, ie only a back up of what has
I think TM is pretty clever but without knowing exactly how it will
behave in these circumstances, it's difficult to know what you'll end
up with. But as Peter indicates, the worst that can happen is you have
to clear it off the Mac Mini and start again.
Another thing with TM is to be extremely patient. Extremely patient.
Extremely patient.

----- Original Message -----
From: wamug@wamug.org.au [2]
Sent:Wed, 8 May 2019 08:03:17 +0800
Subject:Re: System migration to new computer

 > On 8 May 2019, at 6:34 am, Alan Smith  wrote:
 > What is the best way to migrate complete data and settings from an
unreliable 2012 MacBook Air to a still-in-the-box 2018 Mac mini? Both
macs have internal 256 GB SSD. There are Time Machine and Super Duper
backups. I will be the technical assistant for my brother in law who
owns the macs.
 > I proposed to use Migration Assistant from Time Machine but this
has a complication. The MBA has a 1TB external data drive using
symbolic links. Time Machine includes the data drive in its backups to
two disks, internal and external on Time Capsule. 
 > Can Migration Assistant use Time Machine in this case? If expedient
the external TM backup disk can be removed and a new backup made of
just the MBA SSD on the TC internal disk. 
 > The MBA has bad days when it fails then restarts several times.
This has been happening for some months. A direct migration from MBA
to Mini would not seem to be feasible.
 > Your help would be appreciated.
 > Regards
 > Alan

 Logic tells me that all the files archived by Time Machine end up in
the same Time Machine folder on the TM drive, regardless of origin,
but I agree the restoration process through Migration assistant could
well be unpredictable. 

 My first insticnt would be just to try it. The worst that could
happen is that the files base on the MBA’s internal drive will be
restored to their correct locations, but those originating from the
external drive might be ignored (worst case scenario). It’s also
possible that MA, not finding a matching location on the new 2018 Mac,
might just create one and proceed regardless (best case scnario). 

 I think that if you wind up with the worst case scenario, you’d
just have to spend some time manually dragging over the folders and/or
files which were ignored. In the best case scenario, there’d be
nothing else to do. 

 Dunno. I haven’t been faced with this situation before so I can’t
report from experience unfortunately. Hopefully, there might be others
on the list who are more enlightened.

 Kind regards,

 Peter Hinchliffe Apwin Computer Services
 FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
 Perth, Western Australia
 Phone (618) 9332 6482 Mob 0403 046 948
 Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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