Hi Peter,


I must admit that, like you, I stayed away from subscription software until 
very recently – I just wanted a one-off purchase that I could use until it 
either stopped working or a new version had a “must-have” feature – and I think 
Apple introducing Time Machine was the last time I thought a new feature was 
must-have  ;o)


However when I recently, finally, moved up from Snow Leopard I had to say 
goodbye to Office 2004!


After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, I finally bit the bullet and went to 
Office 365 and, I must admit, I am actually glad I did – although I do renew 
every year by buying Office 365 from Officeworks (and just applying this to my 
existing account) which is always cheaper than MS auto-renew price. I guess 
there are a few factors for me:

I use a LOT of Excel spreadsheets/workbooks and I really want/need to stick 
with Excel rather than any spreadsheet alternative.
Georgina is on the Albany Hospice board and still has to collaboratively deal 
with Word documents.
One subscription covers both Georgina and myself and we each get our 1TB 
OneDrive storage included
With just one subscription, It all integrates well between several computers, 
iPads etc
I don’t have to worry about whether I need to buy new updates – they are 
included with the subscription
Being retired, we no longer have work computer(s) as an alternative

I realise that is just what suits me and that your situation is different, 
particularly if you rarely use Office programs, but I just thought I’d relay my 








From: <wamug.org.au-wamug-boun...@lists.wamug.org.au> on behalf of Peter Crisp 
Reply-To: <wamug@wamug.org.au>
Date: Wednesday, 29 April 2020 at 17:22
To: <wamug@wamug.org.au>
Subject: Re: Horrible Catalina


Righto, thanks for that link Ronni. For a number of reasons in reading through 
the link, I can see no reason for me to update to Catalina yet - if ever. 
Currently I have an old (but still functioning) MS Office for Mac 2011 which is 
useful for whenever I do have an Office file, but I don't use it often and have 
alternatives with my Work Windows laptop. The removal of iTunes. I didn't 
explore that but it seems pretty large in impact. Presumably there are 
precautions to take. But for the moment, with my perfectly functioning Macbook 
Pro 2013 running High Sierra, it is all good. 


All I have to remind me is a constant red dot over App store saying I have an 
OSX update I 'should' do. 


Will look into the iTunes things some time. 


I also think there is no longer available a localized installation for Office 
2016 or later and we now have to resort to the constant funding model the 
software developers want us to use with annual fees - Office 365 as an example. 
I may use Word or Excel up to 5 times in any one year. It really doesn't make 
sense to fund an annual subscription for one machine when I have alternatives. 
I know my case is unique to me and others will be solely reliant on their 
Mac's, so then it is justifiable for them. 


Kind Regards



Peter Crisp


----- Original Message -----









Wed, 29 Apr 2020 16:51:02 +0800


Re: Horrible Catalina

Hi Pat,




‘Apple’s latest Mac update, macOS Catalina, was released earlier this week, and 
with it came a flurry of complications both minor and major. 

For one, this update is the first for Apple to drop 32-bit application support, 
which is causing all sorts of headaches for users of smaller apps, plug-ins, 
and other software that may not be updated for quite some time or may have been 
created by a company that no longer exists. There are also a fair number of 
other issues with Catalina, like Adobe software incompatibility problems and 
unforeseen hurdles related to the removal of iTunes. 

That leads us to a series of important questions for Mac users who may be at 
risk of having important workflows disrupted by Catalina. What exactly might go 
wrong if you do upgrade? Should you upgrade now, and what should you do before 
pulling the trigger?

 Or should you hold off for now, and if so, what’s the best way to do that and 
also monitor when it might be safe to make the jump?’

Kind Regards,



 Ronni Brown’s iPad Pro 12.9-inch 256GB 



On 29 Apr 2020, at 4:42 pm, Peter Crisp <petercr...@westnet.com.au> wrote:

Hi Pat, sorry to hear this. I had heard of some troubles from people on the 
WAMUG upon the initial release of Catalina but nothing of late. Your note comes 
out of the blue for WAMUG I think. Can you be specific about the issues you;re 
having?  I am holding off doing my update to Catalina simply because I hadn't 
had the time to research if the early issues had been resolved or not. Do 
others have any first hand user experience about it's use and issues they have 


Is there anyone else recommending to NOT install Catalina at this time?



Kind Regards



Peter Crisp 



----- Original Message -----





"wamuG Mailing List" <wamug@wamug.org.au>




Wed, 29 Apr 2020 16:55:57 +1000


Horrible Catalina

Hello, WAMUGgers, I moved over to Brisbane,4 months ago. My computer didn’t 
catch up with me for several of those months. When I finally cranked it up and 
pushed the Start button, there was Catalina. Well, I thought, I hope it is as 
good as its predecessor. But, I was in for shock after shock. To put it in 
straight words: I Hate Catalina. There are so many horrible changes; what has 
Apple been thinking? I read about the Mac virus problem, but that doesn’t 
warrant the infliction of Catalina on unsuspecting computers.

Anyway, does anyone know if Catallina will be superceded? Soon? And does anyone 
know if there is anything like WAMUG in Brisbane? 

I wish good health for all of you in these treacherous times.

Stay safe and warm,
Pat Scott

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