Thanks for that Peter. I don't think I have ever launched Numbers in
my life. I must take a look for my curiosity.  

Kind Regards

Peter Crisp

----- Original Message -----
Sent:Fri, 1 May 2020 08:09:20 +0800
Subject:Re: Horrible Catalina

On 30 Apr 2020, at 3:05 pm, Neil Houghton  wrote:
Hi Peter,

         I must admit that, like you, I stayed away from subscription
software until very recently – I just wanted a one-off purchase that
I could use until it either stopped working or a new version had a
“must-have” feature – and I think Apple introducing Time Machine
was the last time I thought a new feature was must-have  ;o)

         However when I recently, finally, moved up from Snow Leopard I had
to say goodbye to Office 2004!

Like you, I resist subscription software as much as possible, but I
did bite the bullet with Office 365 and, like you, appreciate the
benefits. The one subscription lets me use it legally on all of my
computers, and even in Windows running under Parallels desktop.
I’d rather not use Microsoft Office at all, but I’m realistic
enough to know that it’s a necessary evil. I use it mainly to open
Office documents. While many other programs also open Office documents
such as Pages, Numbers, etc, sometimes the only way you can see the
document as it was intended is to open it in Office itself.
For document creation I pretty much always use Pages and Numbers. I
find Numbers to be an extremely capable and highly underrated
spreadsheet application. It certainly doesn’t do everything that
Excel does (and the Mac version of Excel doesn’t do everything the
Windows version does!) but Numbers does some very useful things that
leave Excel in the dust when it comes to efficiency and presentation.
I do wish Apple would pay more attention to it.
 Kind regards,
Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer ServicesFileMaker Pro
Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Mob 0403 046 948
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.  


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