Bizarre is all I can think of. What brand/model is the modem? 

Kind Regards

Peter Crisp

----- Original Message -----
Sent:Thu, 21 May 2020 12:08:38 +0800
Subject:auto-starting iMac

This isn't a problem, but a rather puzzling behaviour from my iMac. We
have recently connected the NBN to a house we are building, so I have
the modem and an old (~2007) iMac in the house, connected by ethernet.
Because we aren't living there I turn both computer and modem off most
of the time.
Right from the start I noticed that if I turned the modem on first the
iMac booted itself up without being touched. OK, I can accept that.
But one day I reached out to turn on the modem, changed my mind and
didn't touch it, but the iMac booted anyway. The next time I was on
site I tried an experiment, and just walked over to the modem and
waved my hand in front of it. Sure enough, the iMac booted. Yesterday
I got Geoff to try (in case I had a high static charge and it was me
doing it). He never even got to wave his hand - he just walked briskly
over to the modem and the iMac booted!
It does seem to be associated with the modem - I can go to the desk
and sit in front of the iMac and nothing happens unless I get close to
the modem.
Any ideas?
Cheers, K
 ------------------------Kaye and [1]



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