Hi there, my Wife is to soon be working from home. She has a 2011 MacBook Pro 
with SSD and RAM upgrade so it’s reasonably capable. She wants to be able to 
use two 24” monitors we have in the office and a bit of a struggle to see how 
this can be done. 

The MBP has a FireWire, Thunderbolt and 2 USB ports. I have a Thunderbolt to 
HDMI cable so that gives one monitor but varying success with finding Firewire 
to HDMI (or VGA) to feed the second monitor. The lads at JB HIFI didn’t know 
what Firewire even was!!! They probably hadn’t been born when Firewire was 
common place. 

Does anyone have any tips on using the Firewire port for display duties?


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