Kiat "mengelabui" praktik Syariat Islam di Aceh
  Ah...Syariat Islam pun telah tergopoh-gopoh ditegakkan di Aceh. Untuk melecut 
 punggung pendosa kelas teri sebagai tumbal agar Tuhan tidak marah lagi.   
Sementara itu mereka-mereka yang munafik, pengecut yang lari terbirit saat 
musibah datang,  kembali menari dan senyum berseri: "Ahh... betapa indah segala 
proyek-proyek selama ini!"
  Ditulis oleh Alex (mahasiswa dan pemain band kampus yang selamat dari 
terjangan tsunami, namun beberapa teman kampusnya nyawanya melayang, hilang 
tertelan riak gelombang. Buku hariannya bisa diklik di:
  Berikut pengalaman seorang milister yang membeberkan kiatnya untuk
mengelabui polisi syariat di Aceh. Kisahnya cukup unik, walau 'ribet':  
  Kebetulan saya hidup di bawah naungan SI meski cuma setingkat Qanun 
(Perda). Sebenarnya saya tak terlalu peduli soal ini. Khusus di Banda
Aceh, masalah jilbab saja tak sepenuhnya jalan. Kalau membahas soal
SI kemudian Qanun sebagai peraturan yang tingkatnya operatif, Dinas Syariah 
sendiri 'kebingungan'.
  Misalnya begini. Semua warga harus mengenakan pakaian yang Islami. Maksuddari 
pakaian Islami adalah yang menutup aurat. Namun tak dijelaskan 
secara rinci bagian mana yang termasuk aurat. Untuk NAD, akhirnya ditetapkan 
mengikuti penafsiran Suni Syafii-ah. Jadi hanya tafsir golongan ini yang diberi 
nama SI dan dijalankan di Aceh.
  Di lapangan makin rumit. Ada larangan berjualan di bulan Ramadhan saat
siang hari. Kalau semua toko makanan tutup kan ribet. Akhirnya diputuskan 
hanya makanan basah yang dilarang. Kalau toko kue-kue kering boleh buka. 
  Pas awal Ramadhan lalu kebetulan saya bertugas di luar Banda Aceh, tepatnya 
di  Kabupaten Aceh Jaya. Ada sekitar 20 rang lelaki yang semua puasa dan  jauh 
dari keluarga. Sementara warung-warung dilarang buka waktu maghrib  (waktu buka 
puasa). Warung hanya boleh buka seusai tarawih, artinya sekira jam 8 malam 
lewat. Wah, kalau begini caranya kami bisa kelaparan.

  Akhirnya kami bersepakat dengan pemilik warung. Mereka setuju akan buka 
pas maghrib, tapi mohon lewat PINTU BELAKANG .... huahahahaha. Polisi syariah 
sendiri ketika melihat tak berani menegur lagi, karena ada sekitar 20 
orang kelaparan dan sedang berbuka puasa.
  Itu contoh kecil saja. Ternyata sangat tidak mudah membuat peraturan
yang operatif berdasarkan SYARIAH ISLAM. Teman-teman bule di kantor
sempat mencandai kami. Kata mereka: 
  "Agama kalian kok bikin peraturan agar kalian sendiri repot........ :=))
  Soal polisi syariah juga lagi ramai dibincangkan oleh koran-koran
di Malaysia. Ceritanya, Majelis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (MAIWP) 
membentuk pasukan sukarela yang bertugas mengamati 
gejala-gejala "tidak sehat" di masyarakat yang bertentangan dengan syariat 
Islam. Pasukan ini - yang direkrut dari orang awam - berkewajiban 
mengontak MAIWP untuk tindakan selanjutnya. 
  Sepintas, pasukan sukarela ini mirip-mirip FPI. Bedanya, di Malaysia 
mereka tak berwenang melakukan tindakan fisik. Tugasnya hanya memata-matai.
Di lain pihak, kabinet Malaysia secara bulat telah melarang pembentukan pasukan 
 sukarela itu. Alasannya, dikhawatirkan terjadi 'power abuse' oleh 
sukwan-sukwan syariah tersebut. Tahun lalu kabinet Malaysia juga melarang 
pembentukan pasukan sejenis di Melaka yang dijuluki Mat Skodeng. Pada tahun  
1996, pasukan sejenis malah berurusan dengan polisi karena penyelewengan  
  Rangkuman dari tulisan Alex, Bimo Ario Tejo dan St. Sabri
  Artikel terkait
  Aceh: Setahun setelah bencana, polisi susila merajalela
  Banda Aceh, Indonesia -- The morality enforcers, a squad of men clad 
in green trousers and white shirts and women in white head scarves, 
stride on to this provincial capital's tsunami-scarred beach to weed 
out sin. 
  After descending from a pickup truck, the enforcers -- patterned 
after the religious police of Saudi Arabia -- check identity cards 
of a couple who had been munching corn on the cob while staring at 
the sea. The man and woman, obviously sweethearts, are given a stern 
warning and told to go their separate ways. 
  Next, they rebuke a young woman for wearing "un-Islamic" blue jeans, 
even though she is wearing a head scarf as required by Aceh 
province's 2-year-old Shariah law, based on Islamic principles as 
set out in the Quran. 
  "I hate this place; there are so many rules," the young woman, who 
identified herself only as Wiva, said in fluent English. "I mean, 
who do these guys think they are?" 
  The Wilayatul Hisbah, which loosely translates as "the control 
team," scour the ruins for other would-be sinners, and appear 
disappointed when they don't find any. After their arrival, most 
young couples had fled the beach on motor scooters. 
  Aceh's religious police were created a year before the earthquake 
and tsunami struck a year ago, killing an estimated 170,000 Acehnese 
and devastating one of Indonesia's richest provinces. 
They had kept a low profile, largely ignored by a populace that most 
observers say has never been too keen on the hard-line Islamic legal 
system imposed by Jakarta in 2002. Critics say it was a cynical ploy 
to win over Muslim clerics during the government's nearly three-
decade war with separatist guerrillas of the Free Aceh Movement, or 
GAM. A peace agreement was signed in August. 
  Since the tsunami hit Aceh, Islamic fundamentalists, emboldened by a 
common belief that the disaster was heaven-sent to punish 
nonpracticing Muslims, have redoubled their efforts to punish so-
called sinners. Some have even blamed the giant waves on women for 
ignoring Islam. 
  Al Yasa Abubakar, the director of Wilayatul Hisbah, insists his 
organization concentrates on gentle persuasion and setting a good 
societal example. But in smaller towns, witnesses say the religious 
police have unleashed bully-boy tactics against mainly poor women. 
Fatimah Syam, of Indonesian Women for Legal Justice, claims 20 women 
and girls have been publicly humiliated in the port town of 
Lhokseumawe in the past few months. They have not only been 
arrested, but all were given public haircuts and paraded through the 
streets while broadcasting their so-called sins over a megaphone. 
"They seek out women without head scarves or unmarried girls meeting 
boys in private places and parade them through the streets in an 
open car," said Syam. "I've seen the police laughing and boasting, 
and the girls in tears. We never heard of this parading before the 
  Other critics say the religious police purposely avoid the rich and 
powerful. Last month, Syam said, the wife of a prominent governmental official 
was caught without a head scarf while riding a 
motor scooter and then quickly released. The client of a prostitute 
was also quietly released, although the woman was paraded through 
  At a conference on Shariah law this month in Lhokseumawe, Syam 
received a loud cheer for asking why the Wilayatul Hisbah did not 
target corrupt officials. Yet there also were cheers for Marluddin 
Jalil, an Islamic judge, after he told the assembled: "The tsunami 
occurred because of the sins of the people of Aceh. The Holy Quran 
says that if women are good, then a country is good." 
  With reconstruction efforts off to a slow start, irrational fears of 
a second tsunami and nearly 500,000 people still homeless in a 
devastated belt stretching along 500 miles of Aceh coastline, such 
sentiments fall on fertile ground. 
  In the past year, more than 100 men and women have been caned, 
mostly for drinking alcohol and gambling. Some Shariah hard-liners 
want to introduce amputations for thieves. "Sin starts small and gets bigger," 
Jalil said, insisting that the  religious police are not recruited from the 
ranks of street toughs, as some opponents claim. 
  Jalil, who says Acehnese have become more God-fearing since the 
tsunami, says his next target is a camp for homeless people outside 
Lhokseumawe, where he has heard young men and women mingle freely. 
"Another tsunami is possible," he said. "The Holy Quran says that if 
humans don't listen to God, they will be punished, although it might 
not be a tsunami. Next time it might be a big storm." 
  To be sure, the religious police don't always have it their way. In 
one incident on the island of Sabang, an attempt to humiliate a 
bareheaded girl backfired after angry villagers began flicking 
lighted cigarettes at them. The enforcers eventually were rescued by 
civil police. 
  But in the fetid, overcrowded refugee camps where 67,000 Acehnese 
still live in tents and 75,000 in temporary wooden shacks, many fear 
another tsunami sent by God is on the way. Barely more than half the 
survivors are back at work, drug abuse is growing among the young, 
and wild supernatural and religious theories about last December's 
disaster thrive, with endless stories of ghosts, miracle escapes and 
divine retribution. 
  Earlier this month, the American and Indonesian Red Cross organized 
an "American Idol" type show to cheer up survivors in Barak Lampaseh 
camp in Banda Aceh, a community that lost 364 family heads out of 
400. The winner, 12-year-old Sehila Mentari, sang a song that 
described how God sent the tsunami to punish the sinful. Marzuki Lidan, 46, who 
lost his wife and children, was among Mentari's enthusiastic fans. 
  "The Shariah police are good Muslims and they are doing an excellent 
job," he said. "We must listen to them and follow God's rules. Otherwise 
the tsunami will happen again."

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