1. wah, padahal yg pilot garuda aja pada cabut dari company karena
ketidakberesan management, lh apalagi yg lain :D

2. asik nih, orang pada paranoid naik pswt terbang, harga tiket bakalan
turun nih .. :p  waktunya untuk main ....

On 1/3/07, IrwanK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Pendapat orang awam, klo dibuat peringkat, 3 unsur utama keselamatan
> penerbangan
> adalah kondisi (selain itu masih banyak lagi, mis: tekanan management,
> kelalaian
> penumpang dll):
> - Pesawat
> - Pilot
> - Cuaca
> Logikanya kan sehebat apapun pilot dan secerah apapun cuaca, tapi emang
> dasar
> pesawatnya jablud (atau PMP-nya dogol), resiko kecelakaannya paling besar
> di
> antara
> ketiga kemungkinan (pilot atau cuaca yang jablud)..
> Apalagi kalau tekanan management mengalahkan pendapat pilot yang
> menyatakan
> pesawat tidak laik terbang, misalnya.. Sebenarnya yang kita bahas bukan
> cuma
> Adam Air lho ya; tapi secara umum.. Kebetulan aja maskapai yang dibahas di
> bawah
> pas Adam Air..
> "..
> http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=240082
> "..
> Does management understand the real meaning of the word "safety" ?
> There are serious doubts as to the safety conscience of the senior
> management within the airline,
> in particular, the owners. The effects of the PK-KKE incident (Tambolaka
> Incident) did not dent
> Adam Air's image thanks to a quick hash up of the incident despite all the
> discoveries by the press
> regarding the handling.
> However, the management was quick to put the blame on the pilot and the
> first officer (who was
> a DGAC pilot attached to the airline). This resulted in Adam announcing
> that
> it was to place criminal
> charges on the two pilots for endangering people's lives (some sort of
> attempted manslaughter)
> through professional negligence. This yielded public protest from the
> pilot
> community and in particular
> Adam Air's pilots, who already had 17 colleagues being sued by Adam Air
> for
> not paying their bonds
> (20,000 USD).
> Strangely enough, those 17 pilots that were being sued had in the past
> refused to fly aircraft that
> were not in a safe condition to carry passengers. The pilots were taken
> off
> the rosters and did not
> fly for some months, depriving them of income through per diem pay, flight
> hour pay and meal
> allowances which can form 25 - 40% of their income. When they decided to
> resign because
> the company wouldn't put them on flying duties, the company decided to sue
> them for their
> working bonds and other damages such as losses from training costs etc.
> Bear in mind that some of these pilots may already have had their type
> ratings before they joined
> Adam Air.
> .."
> Wassalam,
> Irwan.K
> On 1/3/07, sarinesia <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <sarinesia%40yahoo.com>> wrote:
> >
> > seharusnya cuaca tidak dapat dijadikan alasan. sebab ketika pesawat
> > itu diproduksi, sebelum dijual sudah melalui uji terbang yg lumayan
> > sulit bahkan melewati hujan salju dan turbulensi di udara tetap bisa
> > dikendalikan. disambar petir juga gak papa.
> >
> > padahal kondisinya sedang terbang cruise (jelajah).. kondisi ini
> > paling aman dalam penerbangan.. gak ada gunung, gak ada burung, juga
> > cuaca relatif bersahabat karena terbang sangat tinggi.
> >
> > kemungkinan memang ada kerusakan.. biasalah. maskapai Indo suka nyogok
> > waktu melakukan perawatan pesawat. dan di dinas perhubungan juga gak
> > ada sama sekali orang yg kuliah di penerbangan. ada satu orang yg
> > konon malah ditempatkan di perhubungan darat.
> >
> > --- In 
> > wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com<wanita-muslimah%40yahoogroups.com><wanita-muslimah%40yahoogroups.com>,
> > "Ambon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Katanya penyebab itu cuaca. Bersamaan waktu dengan kecelakaan
> > Adamair, juga hampir terjadi kecelakaan di tempat lain yaitu di Ambon.
> > Pesawat Lion Air tergelincir dilapangan terbang Pattimura.
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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