Berita yang dinongolkan oleh MDW

Qadiani Jamaat:

2. The Qadianis believe that even those who recite the
Kalimah Tayyaba
are Kafirs (Disbelievers) if they do not accept Hazrat
Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad Sahib to be real prophet.


Janoko :

Bertanya saja, tolong dong Mas D, jelaskan maksud
kalimat diatas.




--- "Dwi W. Soegardi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 7/12/07, H. M. Nur Abdurrahman
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Dari hasil pelacakan saya, bahwa Prof Abdus Salam
> adalah penganut Islam
> > Ahmadiyah Lahore, beliau itu tidaklah sesat, paham
> !
> > HMNA
> Terlepas dari status Abdus Salam,
> dari serangkaian pernyataan pak HMNA,
> saya merasakan kejanggalan soal Ahmadiyah Lahore.
> Anda menganggap mereka tidak sesat,
> sementara mereka menganggap Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
> sebagai mujaddid
> (pembaharu, reformer yang muncul sekali setiap
> abad).
> Padahal Abah HMNA dengan lantang sudah memvonis MGA
> sesat, nabi palsu,
> dan sederetan gelar lainnya.
> Di mana konsistensinya?
> Apakah Ahmadiyah Lahore dengan senang hati menerima
> "pujian" Anda
> untuk mujaddid mereka?
> fyi, dari situs Ahmadiyah Lahore perbedaan antara
> kedua golongan
> Ahmadiyah adalah sbb:
> Lahore Ahmadiyya Jamaat:
> 1. We the Ahmadis of Lahore firmly believe that the
> Holy Prophet
> (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was the
> last prophet of
> Allah, after whom no prophet old or new can appear
> and that Hazrat
> Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib was the Mujaddid (Reformer)
> of the 14th
> Century Hijra, in accordance with the prophecy of
> the Holy Prophet
> Muhammad (peace be upon him) that at the head of
> each century Hijra,
> Allah shall raise a Mujaddid from amongst the
> Muslims to purify their
> religion of such wrong ideas and practices as may
> have arisen during
> the previous 100 years.
> Qadiani Jamaat:
> 1. On the other hand, the Qadianis believe that
> Hazrat Mirza Ghulam
> Ahmad Sahib was a real prophet like the prophets who
> appeared at
> various times and in different nations ever since
> the birth of
> humanity. They misinterpret the expression
> Khatam-un-Nabiyeen to mean
> the seal of the prophets, because the dictionary
> meaning of Khatam is
> seal. Apart from the fact that this interpretation
> is against the Holy
> Quran and Hadith, it is based on the totally wrong
> misrepresentation
> that a seal opens up things. Actually, it is always
> used to close
> things finally and firmly, such as the sealing of a
> letter or a lock.
> Lahore Ahmadiyya Jamaat:
> 2. We the Ahmadis of Lahore Jamaat also believe that
> whoever recites
> the Kalimah Tayyaba: (laa ilaa-haa ill-Allah
> Muhammad-ur-Rasool-Allah)
> is a Muslim.
> Qadiani Jamaat:
> 2. The Qadianis believe that even those who recite
> the Kalimah Tayyaba
> are Kafirs (Disbelievers) if they do not accept
> Hazrat Mirza Ghulam
> Ahmad Sahib to be real prophet.
> salam,
> *Mengenai daftar mujaddid (tentu saja tidak ada yang
> mengklaim diri
> mujaddid, dan daftarnya dibikin oleh orang lain,
> seperti halnya daftar
> nabi palsu) misalnya di
> Maklum wikipedia, Anda bisa mencantumkan nama
> panutan Anda, atau
> bahkan nama Anda sendiri (?) di situ, berjajar
> dengan Imam Empat, Ibnu
> Taimiyah, Ayatullah Khomeini, Taqiuddin an-Nabhani,
> Syekh Abd Wahab,
> Syekh bin Baz, ....... (nama-nama ulama besar
> Indonesia belum ada).

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