Dulu mas DWS pernah posting di

Linux adalah contoh terbaik proyek Open Source.
Kalau MS Windows adalah sistem operasi buatan Microsoft yang pemakai
tidak bisa melihat "jeroannya" hanya boleh tinggal pakai di level user
maka Linux tersedia "source code" (kalimat-kalimat perintah dalam
bahasa pemrograman), yang bebas dibaca oleh pemakai, diubah (misalnya
nama Ubuntu Linux diganti SabriNux) dikompilasi ulang dan
disebarluaskan kembali. Itu yang dinamakan Open Source.

Bisakah konsep Open Source diterapkan dalam pemahaman beragama?

Seorang geek yang juga santri membuat tulisan yang menggelitik di
"Open-Source Ijtihad: Meet The Ijtihackers"

==== kutip ===
In a closed religious system, an authorized class of interpreters
controls access to God's word, claiming exclusive knowledge of how it
should be read and applied. This interpretation is done exclusively in
the authorized language. The class of interpreters serves as a wall
between the believers and God's word, and information flows only one
way. Believers are supposed to accept the authorized interpretation,
not modify, adapt, or even question it. Innovation happens, but it is
controlled by the class of interpreters and it is certainly not called
innovation. Any innovation coming from common believers is rejected on
the grounds that it would be a corruption of God's word.

In an open religious system, God's word is accessible to everyone, and
everyone has the freedom to interpret it in their native language.
Believers interpret the word of God according to their realities. No
interpretation is believed to be applicable to all contexts. Within a
specific context, interpretations that make more sense tend to
displace interpretations that make less sense. But interpretation is
more than coming up with new ideas; those ideas have to be debated and
validated by the community, according to their collective
understanding of the principles and values of the religion. Certainly,
not everyone engages in interpretation, but the freedom exists to do
so. Interpretation is innovation, and it is what allows people to
improve their religious practice, and what keeps a religious message
meaningful and universal.

Apakah MS Windows dan OS X analoginya dengan islam eksklusif, islam
paling bener/canggih yang penganutnya tidak boleh tahu "kenapa"nya
cukup dengan "pokoke itu dari Gusti Allah"?

Sementara Distro Linux dan Open Source Software mirip dengan islam
"bebas" (bebas mengaji, bebas menafsirkan dan menafsirkan
ulang/reinterpretasi, bebas mengamalkan dan bebas mendakwahkannya)?


--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "Tri Budi Lestyaningsih 
(Ning)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Assalaamu'alaykum wR wB.
> Another interesting article. Semoga menambah wawasan dan 
> Wassalaam,
> -Ning
> Islam Versi Bajakan: Ahmadiyah Ditinjau Sebagai Sebuah Sistem 
> Komputer <http://mind.donnyreza.net/19042008/islam-bajakan/> 

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