Rihlah to Selabintana - Sukabumi in December 2008

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,

Dear muslimah sisters,

It's time to think and care about our spiritual needs!!  Take a break
from the hustle and bustle of the city life!!  Be close to nature -
the cool and fresh air!! Insya Allah, we will be taqarrub to our
creator - Allah SWT!!

Let's ask our sisters - muslimah to join us together:

Time                          :  Thursday and Friday, December 25 & 26, 2008
Location                     :  Selabintana Resort (25 ha) - 7 km from
Sukabumi city
Ustadzah                   :  Hajjah Aminah Dulleh
Guests                      :  minimum 25, maximum 40
Investment                 :  Rp 250.000.-  (Booking fee Rp 50.000.-
by August 10)
                                    Including:  accomodation, 3 meals
and 2 snacks, bus including
                                    snack and mineral water, tausiyah.
 Infaq for ustadzah:  please
                                    spare your zakat funds.

Tentative schedule      :  Leave galaxy Bekasi, after zuhur.  Snack in
the bus- approximate trip 3 hrs.
                                    Arrive in Selabintana around
16:30.  Check in to rooms.  Freshen
                                    up.  Walk, explore and look
around.  Sholat jamaah qasr magrib
                                    and isya.  Dinner.  Tausiyah till
10 pm.  Snack time.  Continue
                                    with question and answer session.
Tadarrus.  Sleep.  Tahajud.
                                    Tausiyah.  Breakfast.  Hiking and
light exercise around the resort.
                                    Take a bath.  Dhuha.  Sharing and
Tausiyah.  Lunch. Sholat
                                     Go home and estimate time of
arrival before magrib

Insya Alllah, we are all given good health and can come to recharge our souls

See you in December.  May Allah SWT gives His Ridho for this program
so we can be tawaqqal, strengthen our aqidah and iman.  More detailed
information will be given as the time come closer.

Jazakillah khairon katsiro.

Djuwita Tandjung
Esia  94834501
Res  82417136

Booking Fee to:   Djuwita Tandjung
                          Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Cabang Kalimalang
Committee           :  Transportation
Wien Arnies
Food & Drinks:
Ustadzah       :

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