Maaf.. Maksudnya apa ini?

On 8/1/08, Sunny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bagi yang mau buang duit  ke keranjang sampah bisa ikut
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Trulee Khadija
>   Cc:
>   Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 9:18 AM
>   Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Rihlah to Selabintana in December
>   Rihlah to Selabintana - Sukabumi in December 2008
>   Assalamu'alaikum wr wb,
>   Dear muslimah sisters,
>   It's time to think and care about our spiritual needs!! Take a break
>   from the hustle and bustle of the city life!! Be close to nature -
>   the cool and fresh air!! Insya Allah, we will be taqarrub to our
>   creator - Allah SWT!!
>   Let's ask our sisters - muslimah to join us together:
>   Time : Thursday and Friday, December 25 & 26, 2008
>   Location : Selabintana Resort (25 ha) - 7 km from
>   Sukabumi city
>   Ustadzah : Hajjah Aminah Dulleh
>   Guests : minimum 25, maximum 40
>   Investment : Rp 250.000.- (Booking fee Rp 50.000.-
>   by August 10)
>   Including: accomodation, 3 meals
>   and 2 snacks, bus including
>   snack and mineral water, tausiyah.
>   Infaq for ustadzah: please
>   spare your zakat funds.
>   Tentative schedule : Leave galaxy Bekasi, after zuhur. Snack in
>   the bus- approximate trip 3 hrs.
>   Arrive in Selabintana around
>   16:30. Check in to rooms. Freshen
>   up. Walk, explore and look
>   around. Sholat jamaah qasr magrib
>   and isya. Dinner. Tausiyah till
>   10 pm. Snack time. Continue
>   with question and answer session.
>   Tadarrus. Sleep. Tahajud.
>   Tausiyah. Breakfast. Hiking and
>   light exercise around the resort.
>   Take a bath. Dhuha. Sharing and
>   Tausiyah. Lunch. Sholat
>   Go home and estimate time of
>   arrival before magrib
>   Insya Alllah, we are all given good health and can come to recharge our
> souls
>   See you in December. May Allah SWT gives His Ridho for this program
>   so we can be tawaqqal, strengthen our aqidah and iman. More detailed
>   information will be given as the time come closer.
>   Jazakillah khairon katsiro.
>   Djuwita Tandjung
>   0818.9811.08
>   0857.1027.9020
>   Esia 94834501
>   Res 82417136
>   Booking Fee to: Djuwita Tandjung
>   Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Cabang Kalimalang
>   305.00686.20
>   Committee : Transportation
>   Wien Arnies
>   Food & Drinks:
>   Setyawati
>   Ustadzah :
>   Wiwiek
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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