Kalo fatwa haram yoga di mesir dah 5 tahunan yang lalu. Pakistan dan malaysia 
baru baru ini melarangnya.

Masak ulama al azhar sudah fatwa haram, di indonesia yg keluar fatwa halal ?  
Aya aya wae :))

Contoh kasus yg paralel :
Ahmadiyah difatwa haram di pakistan, mosok di indonesia difatwa halal ? Yah 
kudu difatwa sesat lah yauw :))

Haha... h�h�h�... :)) ...  


-----Original Message-----
From: "Lina Dahlan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 01:56:20 
To: <wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Re: Malaysia Islamic body bans yoga for Muslims

Saya ikut yoga. Gak pernah ada mantera. Memang ada saat diminta kita 
untuk konsentrasi, relax dengan memejamkan mata. Saya juga 
memanfaatkan saat itu untuk berdzikir. Ini yoga yang udah mengalami 
modifikasi kali ye. Instrukturnye juga bukan orang India.

Ya, saya juga menganggap yoga sebagai olah raga ringan. Gak 
berkeringat tapi uenak otot2 jadi relax. Ngilu, pegel di otot bisa 
hilang. Melatih pernafasan, melatih keseimbangan. Lampunya juga gak 
terang benderang. Pokoke gue banget!

Waktu general check up kemaren, dokter nyaranin saya untuk olah raga 
yang lebih memacu jantung. Hmmm...jadi tambah deh mo ikutan 
threadmill aja. Soale kalo ikutan aerobik, gak sinkron deh antara 
kaki dan tangan. Trus..rada malu kalo gerakannya 'hot marihot' 
apalagi lampunya terang benderang...:-)). Walaaah demam panggungnye 
masih aja tuh! Pokoke bukan gue banget!

"Emang sapa elo!"...ha..ha...sorry ya jadi curhat.

Halo MUI, kalo mau buat fatwa soal ini betul2 bertabayun deh. 


--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, "L.Meilany" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Di Indonesia MUI lagi dalam taraf bertabayun - cek & ricek.
> Sementara itu banyak praktisi yoga yg banyak juga orang Islam 
menganggap persoalan ini mengada ada.
> Adnan Buyung Nasution bahkan dalam 'mantra2' yoganya mengganti 
dengan menyebutkan istilah islam, berdzikir misalnya.
> Yoga hanya sekedar bagian dari olahraga.
> Salam, 
> l.meilany
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   From: Sunny 
>   To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
>   Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 1:27 AM
>   Subject: [wanita-muslimah] Malaysia Islamic body bans yoga for 
>   http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/malaysia-islamic-body-bans-yoga-
>   Malaysia Islamic body bans yoga for Muslims
>   Banned . . . Muslims in Malaysia no longer able to practice 
yoga, as Islamic council fears elements of Hinduism may be 
>   Photo: AP
>   November 23, 2008
>   Malaysia's top Islamic body on Saturday banned Muslims from 
practicing yoga, saying the Indian physical exercise contains 
elements of Hinduism that could corrupt Muslims.
>   The National Fatwa Council, which has the authority to rule on 
how Muslims must conduct their faith, issued a fatwa, or edict, 
saying yoga involves not just physical exercise but also includes 
Hindu spiritual elements, chanting and worship.
>   Council chairman Abdul Shukor Husin told reporters that many 
Muslims who practice the globally popular yoga failed to understand 
that its ultimate aim was to be one with a god of a different 
>   "We are of the view that yoga, which originates from Hinduism, 
combines physical exercise, religious elements, chanting and 
worshipping for the purpose of achieving inner peace and ultimately 
to be one with god," he said.
>   "It is inappropriate. It can destroy the faith of a Muslim," he 
said, noting that clerics in Egypt also issued a similar edict in 
2004 that called the practice of yoga "an aberration".
>   Decisions by the Fatwa Council in Malaysia are not legally 
binding on Muslims, who comprise nearly two-thirds of the country's 
27 million people, unless they are enshrined in national or Shariah 
>   However, many Muslims abide by the edicts out of deference, and 
the council does have the authority to ostracise an offending Muslim 
from society.
>   The fatwa reflects the growing strain of conservatism in 
Malaysia, which has always taken pride in its multi-ethnicity. About 
25 per cent of Malaysians are ethnic Chinese and eight per cent 
ethnic Indians, mostly Hindus.
>   Recently, the council issued an edict banning tomboys, ruling 
that girls who act like boys violate the tenets of Islam.
>   The issue of yoga came into the limelight last month when an 
Islamic scholar expressed an opinion at a seminar that it was un-
Islamic, prompting the Fatwa Council to step in.
>   Local newspapers have received several letters from Muslims, 
expressing indignation at the scholar's view, saying yoga is simply 
a way to maintain health and has nothing to do with religion.
>   Putri Rahim, a housewife, expressed shock at the fatwa, saying 
she is no less a Muslim after practicing yoga for 10 years.
>   "I am mad! Maybe they have it in mind that Islam is under 
threat. To come out with a fatwa is an insult to intelligent 
Muslims. It's an insult to my belief," Putri said.
>   "I think it is easier for non-Muslims to live in Malaysia now 
than for Muslims," said Putri.
>   She said yoga helped ease the severe back pain she used to 
suffer from.
>   There are no figures for how many Muslims practice yoga, but 
many yoga classes have a sprinkling of Muslims attending.
>   In a recent blog, social activist Marina Mahathir criticised the 
council for even considering a yoga ban, calling it "a classic case 
of reacting out of fear and ignorance".
>   "Yoga may have spiritual roots but most of us do it for the 
exercise, both for the mind and body," Marina wrote.
>   AP
>   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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