Palestinians Drop Effort to Push War Crime Report 
Published: October 1, 2009 

UNITED NATIONS - In a startling shift, the Palestinian delegation to the United 
Nations Human Rights Council dropped its efforts to forward a report accusing 
Israel of possible war crimes to the Security Council, under pressure from the 
United States, diplomats said Thursday.

The Americans argued that pushing the report now would derail the Middle East 
peace process that they are trying to revive, diplomats said.

"We don't want to create an obstacle for them," Ibrahim Khraishi, the 
Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, said by telephone from 
Geneva, where the Human Rights Council is based. "We want to get a strong 
resolution to deal with the report in a good manner to get a benefit from it."

The report - produced by a panel of investigators led by an internationally 
respected jurist, Richard Goldstone - found extensive evidence that both Israel 
and Palestinian militant groups took actions amounting to war crimes during the 
Gaza war last winter. Israel says that it acted only to halt missile fire from 
Gaza that terrorized Israeli civilians.

The position of the United States since the Goldstone report was released in 
early September has been that the Human Rights Council alone should deal with 
it. But in a compromise, the body is expected to pass a resolution Friday 
presented by the bloc of Arab and Muslim states that any action will be delayed 
until the next meeting in March. 

The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, warned the Palestinians and 
international powers earlier Thursday that any action to advance the report 
would be a denial of Israel's "right to self-defense" and would kill any chance 
of peace talks. 

Mr. Netanyahu, speaking during a cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, said that any 
international endorsement of the report would "strike a severe blow to the war 
against terrorism."

But most immediately, he said, it would "strike a fatal blow to the peace 
process, because Israel will no longer be able to take additional steps and 
take risks for peace if its right to self-defense is denied." 

Diplomats said that the Americans took their position that the report would 
delay the peace process before Mr. Netanyahu made his remarks. Michael Posner, 
the new assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights and labor, 
would not comment Thursday about the negotiations. 

In a speech to the council this week, however, Mr. Posner called the report 
"deeply flawed" and criticized the council for what he called a fixation with 
Israel. But he concluded by saying that fair reviews on both sides would build 

Israel says that it has a serious inquiry under way, with 100 complaints from 
Gaza already examined and 23 cases still pending court action. It says that 
about a third of the 36 incidents in the Goldstone report are already under 
investigation by the military, while others have been referred for 

The Israeli government mounted a concerted diplomatic effort over the past few 
days against the resolution to forward the report. But there has been a growing 
debate within Israel itself, with some human rights organizations and academics 
calling for an independent, nonmilitary review of the Gaza conflict. 

Mr. Khraishi, the Palestinian ambassador, said that if a resolution were passed 
now insisting that the General Assembly or the Security Council deal with the 
matter, as the report itself recommends, it would most likely face an American 
veto. A delay gives the Israelis and Palestinians time to take up another 
recommendation in the report: that both sides set up independent investigation 
panels to look into possible war crimes. 

"I don't think that the Americans or the Israelis or anybody can escape from 
the realities that Goldstone collected - not Hamas either," Mr. Khraishi said, 
referring to the Islamist group that controls Gaza. He said that he had the 
support of at least 33 members of the 47-member council - but not that of the 
United States, European Union members or Japan. 

"There was a tremendous amount of pressure on all members by the Americans," 
said an Arab diplomat, who requested anonymity according to diplomatic 
protocol. "The Americans wanted something to finish it; the compromise is to 
defer it, which means it is still alive."

Isabel Kershner contributed reporting from Jerusalem.

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