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----- Original Message -----
From: "Troy Heagy>
> >From: maree
> >Some areas have far more that 5 candidates standing for election. Voters
> >number the boxes in order of preference, they do not list candidates.
> Yes, you're right.  I forgot that voters just number the candidates,
> than write in the name.
> So, based on your description, Australia uses a hand-counting system?
definitely. We have thought about using the TAB (betting offices) because
their system is AUs wide, but at this point hand counting.
> > > For example, my presidential ballot might read:
> > > 1. Harry Browne (the best man for the job IMO)
> > > 2. John McCain
> > > 3. George Bush
> > > 4. Al Gore
> > > 5. Buchanan
> > >
> > > Obviously, Harry Browne won't win.  But I don't feel like I've "wasted
> >my
> > > vote" by listing him.  Even if Browne is rejected as unpopular, John
> >McCain
> > > becomes my #2 vote... then George Bush my #3 vote... and so on.
> > >
> >Maybe, maybe not... but I suppose it is a simple explanation. What it
> >basically means is that those 19000 votes that were in didpute, and those
> >votes that went to lesser candidates, by having a preferential system,
> >would have been passed on to other candidates. May have lessened the
> >but then again... may not !
> Well, there's no such think as a perfect counting system.  Any system has
> certain margin of error and hence there will always be disputes in close
> elections.
most definitely

> The reason I think an Australian Ballot is preferable is because it would
> allow the U.S. to have a true multi-party system rather than a duopoly of
> Democrats/Republicans.
> For example, I voted for the Libertarian party.  That was basically a
> vote, because other Libertarian-minded persons are afraid that voting for
> such small party will allow the Democrats to win (as happened in 1992 with
> the Reform & Republican parties splitting the conservative vote).  So,
> vote Republican instead.  And my vote is wasted on a loser party.  And the
> Democrats/Republicans remain dominant.
> An Australian ballot eliminates the "wasted vote" problem.  I can safely
> vote for the Libertarian or Green or Reform parties..... and yet still
> them up with a "safe" Republican vote to keep out the Democrat.

that is true also, but in Aus we use statistics also, which allow parties to
see what the populus is thinking, changing preferences, impact of new
parties. So our preferntial system allows the major parties to see that if
there are swings to lesser parties, there is a reason, and therefore the
major parties have policy issues to address. People understand that no vote
is a wasted vote.
> >Please do, we are a caring and sharing nation, you know !!!!!!!!
> >maree
> :)
> Troy

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