If Rod wrote like this on other lists he would have had no trouble. his
comments here are thoughtful non adversarial and consist of a proper
discussion of perhaps contrasting ideas. Two cookies Rod Jim
----- Original Message -----
From: "Claes Persson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 7:47 AM
Subject: SV: {W&P} SV: SV: Star of David [an occult symbol]

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: rod/christine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2002 8:23 AM
> Subject: RE: {W&P} SV: SV: Star of David [an occult symbol]
> Rod wrote:
> >
> >
> > Thanks Claes.  I'm pretty much in agreement with you on this website.
> > My selfish reason for passing this link on is for feedback on how others
> > who share this Planet think, and that we all have found ourselves on,
> > can "do" something, to make it better (more friendly?) place to hang
> > out.
> My idea is to work against this "tribefeeling" that always classifies
people as "us" or "them" but how? I think I need help here!
> > Just what are the Middle East "peoples" fighting over?  Why do different
> > "tribes" think skin color, social mores, head coverings, baseball caps,
> > etc., so divide the human race?
> Good question! Strait out of my mind comes that people has to be able to
see the small differeces between individuals in order to recognize who is
who. This makes it even poosible to see the difference between twins,
sometimes. So it's a sensible tool. And needed.
> That sence has a drawback. It makes it very easy to see the difference
between friend and stranger, a member of your own tribe and a member of
another tribe. Specially obvious when members of the other tribe persists in
dressing as the did in their own area and bring that dressing to the host
tribes area. Just as easy to spot as a lighthouse.
> > I thought to respond to your reasoned reply because i am of Norse
> > extraction (both sides).  My "tribe" has been in North America since
> > 1880, on my mothers side AND my fathers side since 1899-1901.  My wife
> > Christine, is half Swede and half Norse don'tknow for sure which is
> > easier to live with - Ha.  I'm quite certain you know more about Odin's
> > "supposed" mythology than I do.  My take on Odin is watered down because
> > I've been "americanized" (brainwashed) that the USA is righteous and the
> > 'big bully' at the present time in World Affairs.
> I think you will find that you ties to Norway is the best. It was the
Vikings from Norway, refusing to be christians (they preferred Odin, Thor
and the other northern gods to the sensible Jesus), that populated Iceland
and soon thereafter took futher to the west and settled on Greenland.
> Leif Ericson, son of the settler, heard that another Viking, who had been
blown far west by a storm and missed Greenland, had seen land there but the
ship was not at that time good enough for exploring. He went on to
> The settlement on New Founland has been found on the northern tip of the
island. So he found America 500 years before Colombus
> > I know and realize this is a leap in time spans, my point being that the
> > Norse, Swede, Dane, and Finns (scandinavian clans History) have a
> > different take on what the Star of David represents to you all, if i may
> > be so forward as to presume.
> I have, in fact, no idea of what the Star og David represents here in
Scandinavia, if anything. The question could just be about what pyramidical
forms means or cirkels.
> > My wife is a blood-relative of Thor Heyerdahl, who just died a week or
> > so ago.  His studies on Odin has fascinated me from the first time i met
> > him in 1969.  (we've talked a lot since that time and even more so since
> > the Internet has become much more readily available)  A city in North
> I have also read about Thor Heyerdahls research in that field but all I
remeber is that Odin, from the beguinning came to Scandinavia from the east
and was such a powerful person that the myth of the viking gods was spun
aroud him. May be.
> The last book of Thor Heyerdahl I read was on his excavations on the
Maldives in the Indian Ocean. It was clear that communications had taken
place over the Indian Ocean to Arabian, Indian and Burmeese (or whatever)
for a long time (broken of when the portugies explorers "discovered" them).
The traces had in some places been destroyd by the present inhabitants that
now was strict muslims and was working hard to erase all traces of some
building or anything else that was buildt before muslim times (as Talibans
in Afghinstan), but still a lot remained hidden to be found.
> He did a tremendous work with Kontiki over Pacific Ocean and with his
travels in Ra. The scientists in those days would not beleive his ideas. So
he proved them right himself. The last real explorer.
> > Dakota has something called, "The Norsk Hostfest" once a year, in
> > October,and has been a world-hit for 20-plus years.  Even back then, he
> > had surmised that the "tale" of Odin was more fact than fiction.
> >
> > I'm getting off-topic... but just want to thank you, Kindly, for your
> > interesting "take" on the Star of David website.  The Scandinavians are
> > interesting "tribes" of people on This Earth, whether in North Europe,
> > North America, or the South Pole. <smile>
> I'm glad that the south-pole scandinavia tribe finally has been found. I
think that it was some vikings blown of course. :-)
> >
> > I haven't yet read the later posts to this List, so if you think
> > differently about the site and refine your reasonings on the topic, i'll
> > be more grateful for the insights you provide.
> >
> > pardon my poor american english skills.  "english" was my most difficult
> > class in school.  my brother has a masters degree and teaches english
> > grammar at a University.  he has the brains at "grammar" and is ALWAYS
> > correcting me.
> I think your english can match mine if not better. Maybe we should use som
scandinavian in stead. Easier for me. Hej, god natt och många trevlga
> Claes Persson
> §( :8-)
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